Saturday, 16 April 2016

Château d'eau

The benefit of a storm is the puddles you get the next day on the local dirt roads. In the distance is the ruined castle of Beaumes-de-Venise, my village in Provence. This is actually the back of the castle, few people know it from this angle. Only olive groves and vineyards around here. The village tumbles down the hill on the other side.
This post is linked to Weekend Reflections - click if you feel like travelling a bit!

L'avantage d'un orage c'est les flaques qu'on retrouve le lendemain sur les chemins de terre. Au fond, les ruines du château qui surplombe mon village de Beaumes-de-Venise.C'est l'arrière du château qu'on voit là, peu de gens le connaissent sous cet angle. Ici, rien que vignes et oliviers. Le village dévale la colline de l'autre côté.


William Kendall said...

That's such an appealing view, Nathalie!

chri said...

Une flaque comme un petit lac...

Michel Benoit said...

Ah ! l'eau, quoi...
(Mince, on voit pas ND d'Aubune... o.O)

FotoMarg said...

How you love reflections!

Helen said...

Totally awesome capture. I am now off to do some traveling through your 'weekend reflections'.

Bob Crowe said...

We can't tell which side is which. It just all looks good. You might get such puddles on the country roads where Carolyn grew up but not here.

Anonymous said...

aujourd'hui elle va s'agrandir... il pleut !!! enfin il pleuviotte !! je ne passe donc pas vers chez toi, ... pas de coucou matinal!!! demain peut être
Ta voisine...........................

Norma said...

I wish I lived in such a beautiful place. I'm close to the city here because I can't drive for medical reasons, but this is the kind of place I'd choose if I could.

Petrea Burchard said...

So beautiful and compelling.

Andrea said...

oh yes you have better privileges than most, because you can access the un-trodden paths. I read that Provence has wonderful, beautiful landscapes. I have the luck to visit Strasbourg. Thanks.

Tilia said...

Beau, le château dans l'eau.
Presque une mare à canards, la flaque. Il n'y en a pas d'aussi belles dans mon coin :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh believe me I have to make use of any puddles we get here Nathalie, we don't get all that much rain so it's quite a treat to take puddle reflections :) Of course I am never going to find such a marvelous old ruined castle such as yours here, gorgeous shot!

Cergie said...

Quelle merveilleuse image ! Je me dis que ce chemin qui sinue doit être difficile à pratiquer même par temps sec ; la lumière et l'ombre qui soulignent les lignes brisées donnent de la profondeur au paysage en accentuant l'effet perspective...


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