Sunday 18 November 2007

Psychedelic waters

Along the quay...
If I dived here, deep deep, would I emerge on the other side of the Earth, in the Pacific?

Au bord du quai...
Si je plongeais ici, profond profond, est-ce que je ressortirais de l'autre côté de la terre, dans le Pacifique ?


Anonymous said...

Cette image est une très belle oeuvre d'art. Bravo, bonne soirée et amicalement.

Anonymous said...

ah, mais nous sommes a la même herbe! Nathalie- t 'envoi sur mail...une de mes visions..psychedelires....

Livio Bonino said...

J'ai visité ton blog, complimentes tu a présenté quelques photos belles et les plusieurs magnifiques. Ton blog est le vrai trésor des pirates je peux seulement chercher à copier quelque idée.

Anonymous said...

What a nice shot...great patterns in the water!

Anonymous said...

très beaux reflets , les ligne ssont surprenantes de précision

Anonymous said...

i like it

dive said...

Wow! What trippy water, Nathalie!

Jules said...

Great shot nathalie - very creative colours and lovely caption. If you dived deep enough you would surface out the front of my place!!!!

Reminds me of a photo I have - not as creative as yours but I like it.

Anonymous said...

Are you pining for the other side of the world Nathalie? (Assuming this was taken in France!). Whatever - I can see that although the reflections are of a northern winter sky, they look like a southern ocean and beach, transformed through some kind of kaleidescope

Gregory Sey said...

Tu peux aussi t'asseoir sur le quai, laisser le soleil t'innonder des ces quelques rayons automnaux, fermer les yeux et plonger dans tes rêves. Ils t'emmeneront où tu veux.

Anonymous said...

Encore une photo superbe ! et un cadrage futé !
Sans l'étrave du bateau, on pourrait presque croire à une photo satellite d'un archipel imaginaire...

Anonymous said...

Moi,je plonge !

Anonymous said...

I find this an interesting photo. It reminds me, on the one hand, of polluted water, but on the other hand I am guessing it is all reflections. Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

I find this an interesting photo. It reminds me, on the one hand, of polluted water, but on the other hand I am guessing it is all reflections. Nice shot.

Peter said...

A fantastic piece of art!!!! (How did you make it? Treated?)
So, you are still nostalgic about the opposite side of the globe?

Anonymous said...

No Peter, no treatment to this photo. Just the reflections of the quay and white rigging of a few drydocked sailboats above.

Wayne said...

Very cool photo... water makes for a phenomenal canvas. I like it. Oh, and if you dive really deep, just bear left a bit, and you can pop up in Dunedin, Florida, for a sunset bike ride. :)

Jilly said...

What an impressive, fabulous photograph, Nathalie. I too thought you had treated it in some way, until I read otherwise.


Sally said...

Hey, that's GORGEOUS nathalie - I'd buy that and put it on my wall!

Thanks for your lovely comments about the Sculpture by The Sea pics - I've tried to do justice to the great path you trod last year :-)

Also to answer about Como - it is on the southern side of the Georges River, in the Sutherland Shire. On the train line to Sutherland. Firtunately the same line as my one, and only about 25 mins away - about 10 stations.

I hope the mistral has stopped and you have all emerged with sanity intact!

Keropokman said...

it looks like Batik Prints to me!


Olivier said...

une vraie peinture à l'huile.
Si tu plonges très profondément, peut être que tu découvriras la cite de l'atlantis.

Anonymous said...

Beau comme une composition picturale non figurative réussie!

Cergie said...

Les tons, la matière soyeuse sont chouettes pour un foulard ou un paréo, mais à ta place pour éviter les cauchemars, je ne choisirais pas ce motif comme papier peint pour ma chambre.

PS : la force de Coriolis produit des tourbillons qui tournent dans l'autre sens de l'autre coté, n'est ce pas ?...

Anonymous said...

Well spotted. The colours in this abstract are just fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Hum... Assez abstrait, mais très graphique. C'est marrant ces reflets...

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Très années 60 ou 70.
Marimekko a eu des motifs très voisins pour ses tissus en Finlande.

Kate said...

Finally caught up with you since your move! I now have you on my "other blogs" link and will visit more often. Interesting photo. Reminds me of oil on water.

Anonymous said...

Si j'étais vous et que je voyais des trucs pareils, je ferais attention de ne pas plonger du tout, car je sens que je coulerais à pic. Il faut faire attention avec les substances illicites. ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful photo--water is always beautiful but this is gorgeous--I'd love to have a large print of this

and if you did dive deep into this kind of beauty, you'd certainly be changed by it...

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Tres joli! Pretty pretty, love the patterns and colors!

claude said...

Je suis très interrogative sur cette photo. Est-ce une peinture où sont-ce des reflets bizarres dans l'eau, à côté du quai ? En tous les cas, c'est très beau !

Pod said...

go on madame! go on! i shall wait at bronte with oxygen and chocolate. i did what you asked

Maxime said...

Pour peu que l'on se refuse à n'y voir rien que de la pollution, les reflets irisés sur les eaux des ports sont un vrai émerveillement.

Anonymous said...

Maxime, ce n'est pas du tout de la pollution, l'eau était très limpide. C'est uniquement des reflets.

For those of you who were wondering, no oil or pollution here, the water was very clear.

Anonymous said...

Maxime, ce n'est pas du tout de la pollution, l'eau était très limpide. C'est uniquement des reflets.

For those of you who were wondering, no oil or pollution here, the water was very clear.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful abstraction with the hint of the boat breaking into the frame!

Ming the Merciless said...

Ooooohhhh.....mesmerizing photo!

That is soooo beautiful. I totally love it.

Hope all is well with you and your family in Avignon.


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