Great Christmas gift idea : a rubber duck that spits color in your bath. Environment friendly, all safe and natural colors. Currently available in l'Isle sur Sorgue, stocks clearing fast, order now. Add to basket.
Suggestion de cadeau de Noël : un petit canard qui crache de la couleur dans votre bain. Couleurs naturelles et 100% biodégradables. Disponible à l'Isle-sur-Sorgue. En stock actuellement. Ajouter au panier.
garanti 100% bio :)
Beautiful abstract ...
Heureusement qu'il est là Donald!
Not to mention adorable! :)
Quelles belles couleurs capturées !
For the Golden Duck Award!
Mais... on ne te voit pas dans ton bain... ?!
Do you also offer quackers?
But can we put it in the oven to make a nice crispy duck dinner ???
Truly lovely reflections here, this would be a valuable contribution to James' Reflections Weekend, which is one of the best blog memes out there imho.
Now, I can't find the button to click to add him to my shopping basket... can you pass that feedback on to the programmers or the webmaster ?
A fine weekend to you Nathalie...
This image made me want to pick up my paints and get going, it's blissful Nathalie!
Just lovely. Funnily enough I snapped some reflections along the same lines in the Port of Fontvieille today. Must have been thinking of you...
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