Saturday, 17 May 2008

Showers on show?

Things don't look too good for tonight's show (see yesterday's post). The sky has been overcast with showers since this morning - and now thunder at 2 p.m. A full tent will cover the stage and public seating area, but I wonder how they will manage problems such as rain noise on the tent and backstage stuff : ushering guests on and off stage with an umbrella ? It should be an interesting exercise. But then the weather forecast calls for clearing skies tonight... some people out there must be keeping their fingers tightly crossed.
Tonight also is 'museum night' : throughout the country all public museums will be open free of charge from 7 pm to midnight. Unfortunately neither the Petit Palais nor Popes' palace will be accessible because of their location within the perimetre fenced off for the show. A most regrettable crush of Culture by a mass TV programme...
avignon photo rain pluie
Les choses se présentent mal pour le spectacle de ce soir (voir billet d'hier). On a un ciel très couvert depuis ce matin, des averses éparses et maintenant un peu de tonnerre en ce début d'après-midi. Le chapiteau qui a été monté couvre bien la scène et l'espace où le public sera assis, mais je me demande comment ils vont gérer les problèmes connexes comme le bruit de la pluie sur la tente et toutes les activités en coulisse, maquillage et habillage, entrée et sortie des invités : la tente n'est pas si grande... Mais la météo annonce des éclaircies pour ce soir. J'en connais qui doivent croiser les doigts très serré ! Pour les autres, il y a l'option "Nuit des musées" ce soir mais comme le faisait remarquer mon confrère bloggeur Michel Benoit, la fermeture de la place du Palais nous interdira l'accès au Petit Palais et au palais des Papes. A bas la culture des musées, vive la culture Michel Drucker ! (Comment ? J'en entends qui râlent ?)


Jilly said...

Just catching up, Nathalie. Hmmmm, looks a bit like that here too. Lovely shot of sky and rooftops. Hope the weather clears.

Kris McCracken said...

I hope that it all managed to go off alright!

You haven't mentioned whether you are a fan of Michel Drucker...

M.Benaut said...

I have my fingers crossed for the concert, but if you stay at home and regard the télé, you will miss seeing Charles Az. Perhaps you should impersonate a visiting dignitary !

Bergson said...

quoi Michel Drucker contre l'ouverture des musées !!
J'en veux plus comme genre, non concubin non grand père !!

En plus de ça espérons que la chienne se mouillera et attrapera un rhume pour niquer le le canapé rouge dimanche prochain.

Moi je dis les chiens à la niche ou dans les cartons sur les trottoirs et les sans abris sur les canapés.

Tiens si je me retenais pas j'irais manifester avec Besansnot pour réquisitionner les places sur les canapés.

Uma por Dia said...

Le temps au Portugal est également come sá. J'aime ces toits :)

Jules said...

Just popping in to say and catch up on all your doings.

Hope the weather held. I'm sure a few of those old Popes would put in a good word for you!!!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Well Jules, the Popes aren't as powerful as they used to be because it DID rain while the show was on. I didn't watch it but I went to the museum instead and got caught by the rain there. I'll try and get some feedback from my dancer friend as to how it went.

Chuckeroon said...

Ho,ho....I can see that you ,like me, are having to deal with a sudden change in the weather. Embrace the achieve a fine cloudscape (well done) and a really eye catching piece of deception at the museum. Now just imagine....if those poppies had been a real painting!!!! I spent my Sat pm at a local showing of the Bee Keepers' Club......Honey for tea!

eda said...



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