Nathalie, this is gorgeous. I'm guessing water. A fountain perhaps? I can't wait to hear and see. It's just lovely. Merci for all your kind remarks on my blog. I look forward to you suggestions and comments. You help me grow and get better!! I hope we can meet this summer in Paris!!! V
Au deuxième rabord peut-être un refet dans une glace, à l'eau naturellement ! J'oubliais de dire que c'est très original. On dirait loeuvre d'un peintre dont le pinceau n'aurait pas fait que de tremper dans l'eau !
Tricky one. Very effective though. I thought reflection in metal foil or something like that, but it's not crinkly enough, and there are no wrinkles in the sky part. It could be water, but something doesn't look quite right
Now this is a real Nathalie gem! Oh well done. I haven't a clue - maybe a reflection but if Richard doesn't know...I'm waiting till tomorrow to find out. The only thing I'm sure of is that I love it and it's a Nathalie special!
This is marvellous. So artisistc. Wtaer is the first thing than comes to mind but that doesn't feel quite right. Whatever it is it's a stunning visual.
This is marvellous. So artisistc. Wtaer is the first thing than comes to mind but that doesn't feel quite right. Whatever it is it's a stunning visual.
Water is certainly a possibility, but I'm leaning more toward a metallic object ... like an automobile bonnet or boot. In any case it's quite effective!
Cette photographie est d'une beauté sublime...! Je suis entrain de parcourir votre blog et je dois dire que c'est un espace où il fait 'bon vivre"...! Vos articles sont intelligents et vos photos d'une rare facture... Quel plaisir pour les yeux ! Merci de nous inviter à partager votre intime passion ! Jeff ! à bientôt...
very creative and I like it! I look forward to your zoom out photo.
Nathalie, this is gorgeous. I'm guessing water. A fountain perhaps? I can't wait to hear and see. It's just lovely. Merci for all your kind remarks on my blog. I look forward to you suggestions and comments. You help me grow and get better!! I hope we can meet this summer in Paris!!!
comme Virginia, je pense à un reflet...ou alors ton objectif qui vient de fondre sous les premiers rayons de soleil
comme olivier je pense également a un reflet, ou plutot a travers une vitre non dépolie ?
Au premier abord, je dirais un reflet dans de l'eau, au deuxième rabord, je ne sais trop.
Zoom bien !
Au deuxième rabord peut-être un refet dans une glace, à l'eau naturellement !
J'oubliais de dire que c'est très original. On dirait loeuvre d'un peintre dont le pinceau n'aurait pas fait que de tremper dans l'eau !
Through a vitre ancienne perhaps.
I dont know any surface d'eau donnant sur ces façades.
Is it in Avignon ?
Tricky one. Very effective though. I thought reflection in metal foil or something like that, but it's not crinkly enough, and there are no wrinkles in the sky part. It could be water, but something doesn't look quite right
.... or reflection in something wrapped in cellophane?
Vraiment étonnant, je dirais à travers un verre d'eau...
I would say reflection in some "metallic mirror" ?
It's a very nice effect, somewhat reminiscent of the glass filter in Photoshop!
It looks like a mirror. I think Daniel Buron did something similar in one of the Hotel Particuliers in Paris.
Now this is a real Nathalie gem! Oh well done. I haven't a clue - maybe a reflection but if Richard doesn't know...I'm waiting till tomorrow to find out. The only thing I'm sure of is that I love it and it's a Nathalie special!
...can't leave this be..... now I'm think more something like a reflection in some tableware, silver or whatever
... nope. I'm coming round to the idea of a photo taken through a toilet window, but I can't believe you will show us the zoomed out view..
Wow! However you did this, I Love it! Has the quality of an impressionist painting!
Is it a reflection on some sort of old glass that is rippled either through age or by being shaped by the glass-maker?
This is marvellous. So artisistc. Wtaer is the first thing than comes to mind but that doesn't feel quite right. Whatever it is it's a stunning visual.
This is marvellous. So artisistc. Wtaer is the first thing than comes to mind but that doesn't feel quite right. Whatever it is it's a stunning visual.
Et bien je pense que c'est à travers un verre ou encore sur le capot d'une voiture métallisée !
Je crois savoir, mais je ne dirai rien. Mais c'est du plus bel effet.
It does appear that the sky is not moving but the buildings are so I am thinking it it water and a reflection in the water.
Water is certainly a possibility, but I'm leaning more toward a metallic object ... like an automobile bonnet or boot. In any case it's quite effective!
Le verre dépoli d'une fenêtre de salle de bain?
chère Nathalie,
Magnifique vibrations des rayons de soleil et votre photo.
Cette photographie est d'une beauté sublime...! Je suis entrain de parcourir votre blog et je dois dire que c'est un espace où il fait 'bon vivre"...! Vos articles sont intelligents et vos photos d'une rare facture... Quel plaisir pour les yeux ! Merci de nous inviter à partager votre intime passion !
Jeff !
à bientôt...
Fabulous shot!
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