Maison Jean Vilar, Avignon

Do I have a misplaced sense of humour ? When a visitor walked in front of a video installation at
Maison Jean Vilar I couldn't help but think of a blowgun shoot in the neck. Thanks to my good friend jb for coming up with "Pain in the neck", the perfect title for this shot. My original title was "sharp attack", not half as good!
Quand ce visiteur est passé devant une installation vidéo à la maison Jean Vilar je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher à un effet sarbacane dans le cou. Peut-être que mon humour ne fait rire que moi ?
He's about to get a spinal tap for free! Lol!
Most certainly a misplaced and wonderful sense of humour ... that's what we like about you !
But what is the Maison Jean Vilar ? A photo expo ? Or was this looking out on the Rhone ? :-)
Not at all misplaced. There is a film noir look to this.
Owen, Maison Jean Vilar is a building dedicated to Theatre. There are always permanent and/or temporary exhibitions in the main hall. There was a permanent movie shown here in the hall and I have no idea what it was about (the history of theatre in Avignon I think) and just before this scene the film was showing a close crop view of an actor screaming. I figured it could be fun to have the 2 faces together, the actor screaming at the person in front of it so I grab my camera... but next thing I know the scene changes completely: this boat appears on the screen and the spectator turns around.
Surprise of real life situations...
Is a shark sharp ?
That's an intelligent sense of humor. By the way Is it Sharp or Shark?
Pain in the neck
Mais non pas du tout. et j'aurais aime ecrire le commentaire de mainz...
Sharp eye !
Oh yes Therese, just like you I wish I were as witty as jb of Mainz DP!
I did mean sharp attack! No shark here so it couldn't be shark attack but I felt quite sure everyone would think of it. Having said that, jb of Mainz DP found the right caption: pain in the neck!
I am hoping yesterday's concert was not a pain in the neck...
Excellent !
ah Nathalie, que c'est drole,j'ai actuellement lu le mot shark -requin haha.
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