Friday, 15 February 2013

Niki's dilemma

This sculpture by Niki de Saint Phalle is for sale at the Chateau de Bosc art gallery (see my previous post). Nice artwork but why publish a blurry photo? Well I have no other : my camera's had it, it won't focus any more. Yesterday I went back to the shop where I bought it and they say the camera needs to be returned to the workshop for repair OR, because I purchased a special insurance, I can get a replacement for free, same value but not necessarily the same model. Frankly I'm tempted to change. My current camera is a Fujifilm X10 that a salesman talked me into buying a year ago and I've never liked it : too techy for me - I've never really found my way around it. So, what should I get? I'm in the same dilemma as a year ago : keep something small I can take with me everywhere (I would probably go for either the Canon G1X or Canon G15 - any comment on any of those?) or go for a real DSLR, bulky, heavy, expensive with which I could truly develop my photographic skills. Ideally I'd need both, which I'd use on different occasions, but I can't afford that. So, what to do? What camera are YOU using and why? Are you happy with it or what would you gladly trade it for? What (reasonably cheap) DSLR would you recommend ? All advice welcome, the forum is open.

Cette petite sculpture par Niki de Saint Phalle est à vendre au Château de Bosc (voir mon billet précédent). Jolie pièce, mais pourquoi publier une photo floue ? C'est que je n'en ai pas d'autre, mon appareil ne fait plus la mise au point, il a rendu l'âme. Je suis allée hier à la Fnac Avignon où je l'ai acheté et on m'a proposé de le renvoyer à l'atelier OU, parce que j'avais acheté fort cher une assurance de 4 ans, de me le remplacer par un appareil neuf d'une valeur identique mais pas nécessairement du même modèle. Franchement j'ai envie de changer : je m'étais laissé vendre ce Fujifilm X10 par un vendeur persuasif qui m'en avait vanté toutes les qualités mais en fait je n'ai jamais aimé cet appareil : trop technique pour moi. Je ne m'y suis jamais habituée. Alors je me retrouve dans le même dilemme qu'il y a un an : acheter un appareil compact que je pourrai emmener partout avec moi (j'hésite entre le Canon G15 et le Canon G1X, vous avez une opinion ?) ou prendre un vrai réflex, beaucoup plus cher, plus lourd et plus encombrant mais avec lequel je pourrais développer mes compétences de photographe. En fait il me faudrait les deux, à utiliser dans des situations différentes, mais je n'ai pas les moyens. Alors que faire ? Qu'utilisez-vous comme appareil et pourquoi ? En êtes-vous content ? Contre quoi l'échangeriez-vous ? Toutes vos suggestions sont les bienvenues, le forum est ouvert.


Michel Benoit said...
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Michel Benoit said...

Voici le mien (version noire).

Évidemment, la faiblesse réside dans la petitesse de l'objectif qui n'est pas compensée par le capteur (d'ailleurs, est-ce possible ?)

Donc, une résolution de l'image qui laisse souvent à désirer, bien que j'ai fait des comparaisons avec des pellicules de 35 mm, l'argentique a bien été dépassé !

Tout est donc affaire de choix. Photographe d'art ou photographe témoin ? Henri Cartier-Bresson avait fait le choix avec ses petits Leica. J'ai fait le même !

jeandler said...

Et oui, Michel, un petit Leica. C'est une merveille.
Le dilemme : un appareil ou le petit Niki ! said...

There is a giant statue that looks similar in style hanging from the ceiling of the Zurich Train Station. Maybe it was by the same artiest.

For cameras, if you do not want a big heavy DSLR, I recommend a compact DSLR, the Nikon Coolpix P510 or P520. When Sharon of Phoenix Daily Photo saw me using mine, she went out and bought one too.

It has a 42 X optical zoom. It is equivalent to a 24-1,000 mm zoom lens. Absolutely amazing. It opens up a whole new range of photos not previously available.

It also does well with macro and night shots, even hand held.

chri said...

Je suis très content de mon G12 Canon, il trouve de la lumière là où parfois il n'y en a pas mais si j'avais les moyens un Leica... Oui, bien sûr!

Davine said...

I still like it blurry. That's a shame your camera has died. I have a Canon DSLR and really love it but after reading an article from a professional photographer who challenged himself to only take photos with his smart phone and use some apps for 12 months. I have decided to give it a try with my iPhone and am loving it. I am also getting some pretty good photos.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Hi Davine,
I don't have an i-phone so that isn't an option. Would you believe it? I have a phone that's only for phoning. It doesn't take pictures. Call me a dinosaur.

Brigetoun said...

aucune opinion pour l'appareil (suis abonnée aux petits pas terribles mais qui tiennent dans mon budget et ma poche - et dont j'oublie parfois de nettoyer l'écran) - aimerais bien la petite nana, pour elle et le souvenir du plaisir que c'était quand il y a longtemps elle venait parfois dans le cabinet d'architecte où j'étais secrétaire - bouffée d'intelligence mordante et d'humour - bon pour tout le reste de l'oeuvre aussi

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I have a Pentax DSLR but I must admit Nathalie I tend to use my Panasonic Lumix FZ100 most of the time now, it is so light compared to the Pentax, fits nicely in my (big) bag and goes everywhere with me ..just in case'
Btw I must be a dinosaur also, My (old) phone is strictly for what a phone was designed for haha!

Lynne said...

I only lug around my 35mm DSLR, but it's fairly lightweight. It's a Canon Rebel T4i and takes great photos and easy to use: even on creative modes. I am loving it!

Soooo jealous of your living in Provence. We used to live outside of Lyon and have a friend we used to visit in Gordes.

Hilda said...

Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear about your camera. It was a no-brainer for me—I chose the smallest Canon I could get so I can carry it with me everywhere. I rarely get stopped by security guards too. It has limitations, of course (zoom and action in low light are the two that first come to mind), but I'm content otherwise.

Beatriz said...

May I suggest a photography blog I follow? It's called Chase Jarvis Blog and he has several reviews on cameras. I really liked his reviews and am hoping to buy a camera that was reviewed by him :) Hope this helps!


Jack said...

Ouch. Sorry about the failing camera. Choice of a camera is very personal. I use a DSLR -- a Canon EOS 60D with an 18 - 135 mm zoom lens and it works for all situations. Admittedly, it doesn't fit in a purse, but I don't carry a purse.

claude said...

Celui dont je me serre le plus est un fuji finepix S8100
Je peux zoomer pour prendre mes petits zozios, recadrer ensuite, Il fait de belles macros pour les fleurs.
Il y a deux ans mon Chéri veut m'en offir un plus performant fuji finepix HS10), surtout pour les zozios, et ben il ne l'est pas. Pour les ciels et les fleurs ça va mais pour mes petits amis à plumes, non.
Je suis sûre qu'il font des compacts très performant maintenant.
Bon wouik !

Anonymous said...

I've got a Nikon D7000 with 10-24 and 28-200 lenses. You don't need one of those.I've also got a Lumix point-and-shoot (which gives me good enough results) and an iPhone 4 (which never ceases to amaze me.)
I always reckon that you need to be able to look through a viewfinder to compose properly and manage DoF and focusing points. Which rules out LCD screens.
Although you might have a lot at cameras like the Nikon 1, which has interchangeable lenses and is easily transportable.

Anonymous said...

I've got a Nikon D7000 with 10-24 and 28-200 lenses. You don't need one of those.I've also got a Lumix point-and-shoot (which gives me good enough results) and an iPhone 4 (which never ceases to amaze me.)
I always reckon that you need to be able to look through a viewfinder to compose properly and manage DoF and focusing points. Which rules out LCD screens.
Although you might have a lot at cameras like the Nikon 1, which has interchangeable lenses and is easily transportable.

Fardoise said...

Je n'ai pas pris d'assurance de ce type, j'espère ne jamais le regretter. Mais ce que l'on regrette c'est certain, c'est l'achat d'un appareil plutôt qu'un autre, lorsque tout de suite après sort celui qui nous correspondrait le mieux. On m'a parlé d'un petit SONY, pour ne pas citer de marque, avec optique ZEISS- la gamme au dessus des compacts, mais pas tout à fair un réflex. Pour le pocket j'ai opté, comme Michel pour LEICA, autrement dit Panasonic.

FotoMarg said...

It's a pity you don't like the X10. I have been using the X100 for two years and have got some wonderful photos from it. If you find it to complex to use, I wouldn't go for a DSLR as they need the same level of expertise.
Digital compact Point and Shoot cameras are improving all the time so will give you great photos without the weight, size or complexity of a DSLR or a Mirrorless bridge camera.
Your photos are are always interesting, whether they are technically perfect or not. Just keep posting photos until you get the new camera, please.

FotoMarg said...

It's a pity you don't like the X10. I have been using the X100 for two years and have got some wonderful photos from it. If you find it to complex to use, I wouldn't go for a DSLR as they need the same level of expertise.
Digital compact Point and Shoot cameras are improving all the time so will give you great photos without the weight, size or complexity of a DSLR or a Mirrorless bridge camera.
Your photos are are always interesting, whether they are technically perfect or not. Just keep posting photos until you get the new camera, please.

JoeinVegas said...

I have a lot of large SLR cameras and lenses, but always to heavy and bulky. Most of my photos are taken with a pocket Canon, as it is easy to carry around and thus there. With 12mpix or more the photos are still lovely.

Muriel said...

prends en échange le Canon... Pour le réflex, c'est bientôt ton anniversaire!

William Kendall said...

Looks like you're getting good advice on this one.

Peculiar looking sculpture, to say the least!


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