ZI Courtine
More contemporary art? The other day I braved the cold wind and went for a walk along the Rhône river bank. Just south of Avignon in the industrial zone of Courtine I came across these colourful "thingies" - could you tell me what they are? Answer tomorrow.
Encore de l'art contemporain ? J'ai bravé le mistral violent l'autre jour pour aller marcher au bord du Rhône du côté de la zone industrielle de Courtine et je suis tombée sur ces "machins". Sauriez-vous me dire ce que c'est? Réponse demain.

I think they must be pieces to a very large board game... but which, I'm not sure... not Parcheesi, nor Monopoly, maybe something involving ships and shipping channels...
Nathalie said,"Just south of Avignon in the industrial zone of Courtine I came across these colourful thingies -
could you tell me what they are?"
Oh! No, Nathalie, I must wait for your
answer tomorrow, but I must admit that it do look like...Outdoor Artwork. (As I shrug my shoulders...indicating uncertainty,but of course!)
Merci de partager!
DeeDee ;-D
Contemporary Christmas decorations perhaps?
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Est ce que ça appartient à la Compagnie des phares et balises? (Quel joli nom!)
I know this place...
Ne les as-tu pas récupérés pour jouer au morpions ???
Ça c'est rigolo : un raccourci fulgurant entre la fonction et l'art... Une nouvelle étape a été franchie après l'urinoir de Duchamp.
I must admit that seen like this, I'm not convinced about the "art" aspect, but let's wait and see... in another more adapted environment!
Hmmmmm...I'm with Peter on this. The pieces are not even arranged as art and they sit alongside something rusty - old pipes? Perhaps something that was one time in a school - some decoration in bad taste that has rightly been chucked out! And if you tell me it's a work of art, I'll still feel the same! Will be back tomorrow...
Your cultured friend...! Ha!
No idea what they are, but they do look interesting. Looking forward to finding what they are!!
I'm curious as to what they are, also curious about how you discovered what they are.
They are navigation signals for boaters on the river. Right red returning.
We make boat safety videos all over the US.
They are navigation signals for boaters on the river. Right red returning.
We make boat safety videos all over the US.
Red, right, return
This navigational mantra
refers to the starboard or
red navigational aids posted
along the right hand side of
your vessel when returning to
a harbor or traveling in an upstream
Si on en changeait les proportions on pourrait les recycler et en faire des lampes de chevet à la rigeur...
Road markers?
wow! best post for this month. I must admit that seen like this, I'm not convinced about the "art" aspect, but let's wait and see... in another more adapted environment!
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