Place de l'horloge, Avignon
Meet Lillibel (real name Elisabeth), a happy baby I met at the International Day against Homophobia kiss in event on 17th May. Her mom and dad (yes, a straight couple) were demonstrating to show their support. They hope that by the time their daughter grows up she will be free to love whoever she wants without shame or judgment. Sweet Lillibel, your parents are working hard at building a world of freedom and respect for you and for all. Lucky child.
Je vous présente Lillibel' (de son vrai nom Elisabeth), un bébé heureux que j'ai rencontré au Kiss in de la Journée Internationale contre l'Homophobie le 17 mai. Son papa et sa maman (oui, un couple hétéro) étaient là pour apporter leur soutien actif. Ils espèrent que quand leur fille sera grande elle sera libre d'aimer qui elle voudra, sans jugement et sans honte. Petite Lillibel, tes parents travaillent à construire un monde de respect et de liberté pour toi et pour nous tous. Tu as de la chance.
What a HAPPY face!:)
Very nice shots!
She's captivating. And you've caught the catch light in her eyes so beautifully. I like that soft sling papa is wearing, too. And I see you were not the only photographer in attendance. . .hopefully your gear is not as hefty that that other guy's! I never use a neck strap, and just looking at him my neck aches :-).
She is indeed a lucky girl who will grow up to see the world and all of its diversity as a positive thing. The world will need more people like her.
She's too cute !
And lucky to have such open-minded parents...
Freedom and respect... I hope some day we will get there, as a race (the human race I mean, in all its diversity)
Oh what a sweet , precious, smiling little face. I too hope she will grow up in world free of prejudice and discrimination of all kinds. A place where she can be the best she can be!
C'est un smiley ?
Quel sourire Lillibel!
Tu verras, le monde n'est pas aussi moche qu'on le dit parfois mais pas non plus, aussi beau qu'on l'espère!
Ah, veux-tu que je dise à ton Papa que tes oreilles sont écrasées dans ce système pour te porter?
Fait lui une bise pour nous...
Un beau sourire, une beau portrait.
Lillibel's smile just lit up my morning! Thanks for sharing her with us.
Bonjour! Nathalie,
What a wonderful photograph of a beautiful little girl with a lovely name...Lillbel.
I have to second the notion (comments) of your previous commenters too.
DeeDee ;-D
Oops! I'am so sorry, but I misspelled Lillibel's name and the word nephew in my previous comment too!
Sourire (et oreille) de petit elfe !
Elle sourie parce qu'elle est heureuse d'avoir un vrai papa et une vraie maman.
elle sourit, bien sûr !
Oui Yvelinoise, elle était avec son vrai papa et sa vraie maman.
Cela dit avec tous les divorces et remariages qu'on voit de nos jours, il y a de moins en moins d'enfants qui vivent avec leur vrai papa et leur vraie maman (même sans parler d'homosexualité). J'espère et je pense que la plupart des enfants sont heureux malgré tout.
L'important est d'être entouré d'êtres aimants.
What a gorgeous little girl! I, too, hope that by the time she grows up she is free to love whomever she wants ... and to be loved in return.
You had quite a rancorous group discussion, Nathalie. I didn't chime in then, but want you to know I think you are on the right track supporting equality and acceptance. Thanks for sticking your neck out like a giraffe -:)))
Ah what a beautiful human interest story.what a beautiful portrait.
You know Nathalie I don't think that anyone mentionned with regard to your post on homophobia- CONGRATULATIONS on your photograph making the front page of your journal!!
Your journal is so many things-personal and protest and touristic and I have always said that journalism is in your blood.
Wow affecting social change through journalism-exciting.You made it. congratulations big time. You probably made a few dollars also. I hope there are more opportunities like this not just making a few dollars ha ha we can all use that haha for you but for being officially a journalist. You deserve it and Avignon deserves you.
love and light
Crederae - Thanks for your kind words, you're too sweet. I didn't make a single euro out of the photo in the press. I donated the photo to my friends to be used as they saw fit. They passed it on to the reporter who had covered the event and in the hasty string of events before the paper went to press they didn't manage to have my name appear in the photo credits. That's why I saw only fit to reclaim the photo by publishing it here. Never mind, I'm really glad I gave my friends a helping hand.
What a smile...Hopefully her generation is wiser and more open-minded than people today...
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