Les tatouages sont pour moi une source intarissable d'étonnement. Michael Jackson pour toujours à mes côtés ? Euh...

Mum to her young son : "-Why did you take that flyer? You don't need it.
Son - Mom, he had too many ! I had to help him out!"
Entendu dans la foule alors qu'un petit garçon prenait un tract des mains d'un acteur :
La mère : - "Pourquoi tu as pris ce tract ? Tu n'en avais pas besoin.
Le fils : - Mais il en avait trop, il fallait bien que je l'aide !"
Millions of people adored him so I guess in this day and age it isn't that surprising to see a Michael Jackson tattoo. Nicely spotted.
Bonjour! Nathalie,
Nathalie said, "Overheard in another crowd :
Mum to her young son : "-Why did you take that flyer? You don't need it.
Son - Mom, he had too many ! I had to help him out!"
Ha! Ha!
and the tattoo on the lady arm is also nice!
Nathalie, I hope that you have a nice weekend too!
DeeDee ;-D
Oh, My...I've always wondered why so many "Tweetie" and Tazmanian Devil cartoon characters were tattooed on here...but Michael Jackson? Hard to say which would be more difficult to explain in 20 years.
And the boy...a generous heart, he has.
No I don't like the tatoo - maybe a little bow or rose would look ok. maybe I'm old-fashioned.
Dianne xx
je me régale avec tes photos (et les jolies notations comme le petit dialogue)
Nathalie, your festival photos are a delight. I was there during the festival several years ago and would love to see it again. Your photos have taken me there. Merci!
Je ne suis pas très tatouages sauf un petit discret et joli. Un jour avec mon Chéri on a une une femme d'une genre - comment je pourrais dire - un peu vulgaire, quoi ! Elle avait sur tout le dos le portrait de Johnny Haliday. Mon Dieu ! Quelle horreur, surtout qu'elle était en débardeur !
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