Place du Palais, Avignon
The street parade takes its toll on a performer.
La parade du Off ne va pas sans souffrances.
Crumpled feet and moan of pain... ouch it hurts !
Pieds recroquevillés et grimace de douleur ...
oh que ça fait mal !
But her partner in crime wearing boots is still laughing and enjoys posing for me !
Mais sa commère en godillots rit encore et se fait une joie de poser pour moi !
Oi, oi...
Great shots!
Greetings from Casa!
I trust the woman with the boots is wearing something on her legs and that her legs are not covered with a tatoo.
La première porte sur ses épaules toute la fatigue du monde! Envie de la prendre dans ses bras et lui dire doucement: ça va aller, ça va passer...
Chri, elle était toute mignonne. Quand elle m'a vu la photographier elle a encore trouvé la force de poser avec un sourire, très belle.
Oh how I love that first shot. So candid. Not to mention all the great technical photographic attributes of which I know next to nothing but can appreciate when I see. But it's really about the capturing of that unguarded moment that does it for me. It's so honest and human. The exprience is definitely something I can relate to (I always carry bandaids in my bag).
Tout le monde vous le dira :
« Le festival d'Avignon, c'est...
le pied ! »
Ouch, I can just feel that woman's foot pain. Good capture.
ouch!! I think she's saying blister!! I know that look because I've been where she is and it HURTS !!
Great shot
Dianne xx
ellle est ravissante, et la fatigue donne une jolie courbe d'épaules et de dos)
Pour parader il faut être bien chaussé.
Godillots on
Shoes off.
Belle pose !
J'aime le com de Bichel.
Bonjour! Nathalie...
Ouch! the correct word to use because I can almost feel her (The performer in the first photograph) "pain" too!
Nice captures (photographs) of both performers...Merci, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D
Boots are always the answer! Fun shots and ouch for the lady with the sore feet.
great costumes!
v.nice work, nathalie
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Oh my, I feel for the first lady. That is always my problem when I go to Paris. The walking eventually takes its toll on my tootsies!!!
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