Saturday, 2 April 2011

Living on the edge (2)

Rue St Jean le VieuxContinued on yesterday's theme, another approach to living on the edge...

Suite du thème d'hier - une autre façon de vivre au bord du vide.


Bob Crowe said...

Lots of drama in this. I used to like to do this in our apartment in Queens when I was young. My mother would flip out, convinced I would fall off at any moment.

Virginia said...

You are spot on Nathalie... as always.

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

I like this. I feel like I'm on a higher floor looking down. The figure on the window ledge makes the photo.
Melbourne Daily Photo

claude said...

Elle doit attirer les regards avec ses bas noirs.

Bergson said...

quand on a faim et qu'on aime les produits corses ..

Lachezar said...

Wow! Even more edge to it! This is a truly beautiful image Nathalie!
Thanks for visiting and cheers from Down Under...

vera said...

belle chatte valant son pigeon roucoulant... tu marches sur les gouttières? (i sent you a mail, waitinf for you with great pleasure!!)

Mo said...

A great capture.

Femke said...

Beautiful pictures ..... they dare have to sit there:)

Anonymous said...


Tamera said...

Too scary for me! But I suppose if she leaned out too far, the awning would break her fall!

PeterParis said...

Living on the edge... probably a smoker! :-)

Nathalie H.D. said...

Peter - maybe :-)
...but maybe not. I didn't see a cigarette in her hand and she appeared to be enjoying mostly the the soft spring sun on her skin.

Babzy.B said...

celle ci colle parfaitement au thème, bien vu !

Alan said...

A great, great shot. Very French!

Lauriane said...

Bonjour! Je voulais juste vous féliciter pour votre blog de photos. Elle sont toutes plus magnifiques les unes que les autres! =)
Bonne journée!

Jilly said...

Absolutely fabulous. What I love about our photography is that you always surprise me! Adore this.


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