Sunday 17 April 2011

Lilavati music

She's from Avignon, plays the guitar and sings country music, her name is Lilavati and she's a great gal. She practices her English in my English conversation group and the other day I went to listen to her : she has amazing presence on stage. She's very young and already working at building a career for herself. Learn more about her (in English) on her website Go Lila !
Elle est avignonnaise, joue de la guitare et chante de la country music, son nom est Lilavati et c'est une fille formidable. Elle travaille son anglais dans mon groupe de conversation anglaise et l'autre jour je suis allée l'écouter chanter au Red Sky, elle a une présence scénique époustouflante. Elle est très jeune mais travaille d'arrache-pied à se faire une carrière, découvrez-la sur son site Lilavati Music.


Stefan Jansson said...

That is a very different and cool portrait of Lilavati.

Ténèbres à la lumière... said...

Bonjour! Nathalie...
Both photographs are very beautiful...I really like the contrast...The Top photograph..."clean and simple"
and The Bottom photograph..."colourful and neon lit."
Merci, for sharing both and the link too!
DeeDee ;-D

Virginia said...

Wonderful photographs N. I wish her well with her career!

Bob Crowe said...

Beautiful photographs. The spin effect reminds me of the 60s or 70s. Seeing Europeans wearing cowboy hats and boots always makes me smile. It's like white American kids trying to bend their hair into Rastafarian dreadlocks.

Michel Benoit said...

Voilà déjà deux propositions pour sa prochaine jaquette de CD !
Ohhh, Oh woah, Be my Valentine

jb said...

So if we overhear someone on the market saying "Ecoutez Monsieur, don't come the crevette cru with me, bleu" I'll be able to say with some certainty "OH, you must be in Nathalie's English conversation class"

And I'm sure you've explained the meaning of "dag", eh?! ;-)

Olivier said...

très bon ton effet Radial blur, cela rend tres bien sur ta deuxieme photo. j'aime beaucoup

crederae said...

ah Nathalie, quel voyage-le sens de la couleur et l'harmonie devient un!magnifique.


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