Saturday, 10 March 2012

Side light, side door

Eglise St Pierre, AvignonNail it down !
Enfoncez le clou !
Side door of St Pierre church. I've never seen it open.
Porte latérale de l'église St Pierre. Je ne l'ai jamais vue ouverte.


Revrunner said...

What is that semi-circle above and to the right of the door?

Sandy K. said...

So beautiful, and intriguing. I wonder what you'd see inside that door. More beauty and wonder, no doubt.

chri said...

Accrocheuse de lumière!

Fardoise said...

Moi non plus, je ne pense pas l'avoir jamais vu ouverte. Mais elle est bien belle.

Catherine said...

what a beautiful closeup of that door....

Michel Benoit said...

Je crois me souvenir l'avoir vue ouverte, mais c'est bien loin...
Là, on voit bien les clous...

Linda said...

What gorgeous subtle shades in the close-up of the door. It's like a panel of shot silk.

jeandler said...

S'ouvre-t-elle encore ?

Une porte monumentale, un mur magnifique où s'inscrit en lignes courbes l'Histoire.

jeandler said...

l'impression d'une dentelle dessinée par ces clous. Une dentelle de Venise que la petite rue ne démentira pas.

Shaun said...

I bet ,along that door took a couple of hours :). Doors like this are usually sealed from the other side if they have allen out of use for many years.

Julie said...

Perhaps decorated with tools at hand ... It is quite beautiful and perhaps not looked at enough. The alley is very clean and untagged - which is good.

Anonymous said...

chère magnifique Nathalie, ah que c'est fort délicats les rues et le dessin.
et merci encore pour les tulipes de ton aniverssaire...
colorie nos vies en ces couleurs....
je t'embrasse..

Jilly said...

That second photo is very much a Nathalie-photograph. Love these shadows and theboy in absolutely the right place. Magnificent doorway.


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