Thursday, 1 March 2012

Theme day: Electricity

Found the following message pinned on my door last Friday :
"Sorry to remind you that you live with others. Shouting while running down the stairs at 11:00 PM is not on. Moving furniture around, walking around in high heels at midnight... the insulation is very poor. I'm not against parties but there are limits... and RESPECT... Next time I'll call the police!!! PS: buy some slippers, please!!!"
Wow, that's some angry message! Can you feel the electricity in the air ?
That came as quite a surprise: does this comes from the young lady below us who puts on some loud music almost every day? Plus now that my daughter is a student in Montpellier I live alone most of the time and I do wear slippers in winter. In the four years that I've lived here we've never had a complaint from any of the three different neighbours we've had on the floor below us. Admittedly my daughter invited six friends over for a party last Thursday to celebrate her driver's licence but were they that noisy? Oops, I guess they were! This was my interpretation of Electricity, this month's City Daily Photo theme. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

J'ai trouvé le message ci-dessus scotché sur ma porte vendredi dernier. Lisez vous-même...
Elle semblait bien fâchée, ma jeune voisine du dessous ! Sentez-vous l'électricité dans l'air ?
J'ai été assez sidérée : depuis que ma fille est étudiante à Montpellier je suis le plus souvent seule à la maison et l'hiver je porte des chaussons. Depuis quatre ans que j'habite ici aucun des trois voisins différents que nous avons eu en-dessous de nous s'est jamais plaint. Et ce message vient de celle qui met sa musique à fond presque tous les jours ? Certes ma fille a invité six amis jeudi soir jusqu'à minuit pour fêter son permis de conduire, mais était-ce si terrible ? Il faut croire que oui...
J'ai choisi cette image pour interpréter le thème électricité qui était le sujet du mois pour les blogueurs du réseau City Daily Photo. Cliquez ici pour voir les photos de tous les participants


Julie said...

She sounds like a very sad human being, Nathalie. The chap above me reacts like that, too. I slam one door ONE door and he is down like a shot out of a canon!

Sad ...

Susie of Arabia said...

A different kind of staic I didn't expect. Some people are just miserable and want everyone else to be miserable too. Cheers!

Jack said...

This is a novel interpretation, Nathalie. Shhhhhhhhhhh!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh that's so funny Nathalie, you terrible noisy person you haha! My daughter who wears headphones on the train on the way to work was once told by the 'rocker' girl sitting next to her 'turn down your music it's doing my head in' hilarious! Fantastic post for the theme.

Jilly said...

Oh what a great post for the subject today. Too funny but not if you are an insomniac and have just gotten to sleep.

jeandler said...

Il n'y a qu'à l'Opéra où les petits rats portent des chaussons pour danser...

claude said...

Pour sûr, Nathalie, il y a de l'électricité dans l'air entre ta voisine du dessous et toi. Quand t'es chez toi tu portes des mules ou des charentaises !!!

Michel Benoit said...

Restons dans la tragédie.
Clitemnestre et Agamemnon avaient quatre enfants : Chrysothémis, Électre, Iphigénie et Oreste.
Parmi eux, Électre est citée.

Lolo ©ByLolo said...

Au moins ce mot nous a fait rire :-))

Bisous ✰✰✰ Laure ✰✰✰

Ineke said...

great post today Nathalie and get those damned slippers!

Mark said...

Great post Nathalie, I'm lucky and have great neighbours, we are all loud so it doesn't matter!
Have a great month, hope Spring arrives soon.

PeterParis said...

Have you had a chat with the very tolerant young lady?

... and to make a fiesta now and then is completely allowed and should be tolerated. When my kids organised such things - very ocasionally - we advised the neighbours in advance - and the local police. The police would then tell the people possibly calling to forget about it. When there now is a wild party going on in my neighbourhood, I'm just happy to know that they enjoy themselves!

Nathalie said...

Everyone - I DO wear slippers at home in winter... but when you have guests over, do you ask them to come with their slippers?

Nathalie said...

Peter - my daughter has hosted some really large parties at home before and of course we did let the neighbours know in advance but a small group of six until midnight didn't require such precautions... or so we thought. Bad thinking
That's life....


chri said...

Je ne comprends pas bien, Nathalie puisqu'elle t'écrit qu'elle est désolée... Et te dit de marcher en talon jusqu'à minuit et qu'il y a des limites au respect...

Une mauvaise coucheuse à ce point ne mérite rien d'autre que le silence!

Quelle vilaine elle fait!

Le Journal de Chrys said...

Ohhhh voilà quelqu'un qui ne sait tolérer le moindre frémissement chez autrui!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't know the woman we're renting the cottage from here in Mapua has relatives in Avignon. I get offside with her every bloody day - visitors driving too fast, vsitors' dog being off the leash...

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wonderful post on the electricity in Avignon, Nathalie. Our children can always be the source of interesting posts and great laughs in life.

Shrug off this voisin...


Nathalie said...

Chri - en effet, j'ai répondu par le silence. Je me suis contentée de re-scotcher son message sur sa porte à elle, sans un mot de plus. Nous ne nous sommes pas vues depuis.

Fardoise said...

C'est souvent les gens qui font du bruit qui ne supporte pas celui des autres, idem pour ceux qui se moquent sans arrêt des autres, ils n'apprécient pas lorsqu'on leur retourne la moquerie.

Grenoble in Photos said...

Certaines personnes ne comprennent pas le mot "tolérance" et le fait qu'on ait besoin de s'amuser de temps en temps... Et le pire, c'est qu'en général, comme ici, c'est souvent le plus mol loti qui vient se plaindre... Si seulement les gens pouvaient etre plus compréhensifs !

Anonymous said...

haha Nathalie, bon a savoir que tu as eu le fun quand les voisins se plaignent c'est la preuve!

Thérèse said...

Does she know you have a blog? Does she know how to read English??

Unknown said...

Really cool interpretation, Nathalie! Dealing with neighbours is not an easy task, I avoid mine as much as I can. :-)))

Virginia said...

HA, sounds like you've moved into my apartments! I got a nasty note about how I parked my car!

Very clever interpretation N~

Nathalie said...

Thérèse - She doesn't know I have a blog - I've been considering telling her but I haven't seen her since the incident.

Linda said...

Someone felt left out!


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