Sunday 18 November 2012

Feu mourant

Dans ma nouvelle maison on se chauffe surtout au bois. L'après-midi quand le soleil vient réchauffer la maison et caresser l'âtre, on laisse le feu s'épuiser doucement ; on le ranime en fin de journée quand le froid revient.

In the house where I now live, wood burning is the main heating source. When the sun warms up the house and comes licking the fireplace in the afternoon, we let the fire exhaust itself slowly ; we bring it back to life when the evening comes and the cold takes hold again.


chri said...

Superbe image d'un feu agonisant... Vite vite Urgence!

Michel said...

In our house in Sablet, although very old, it does have central heating. But we light a fire in the chimney often as it seems to warm the house more than the heaters...and it makes the room so cozy.

Kmcblackburn said...

Beautiful tendrils of delicate and lovely.

Thierry Collart said...

Cela a plus de charme que les chauffages centraux actuels.

Dina said...

So dreamy . . .
Lucky you.

Michel Benoit said...

Faudra-t-il bassiner les lits cet hiver ?

jeandler said...

Le feu couve sous la braise.

Les volutes de fumée magnifiquement rendues.

Nathalie said...

Kathy, taking this photo actually stretched my photographic skills - I first tried taking it on automatic but the smoke only came out as a white blur. I had to set my camera on Speed priority and work until I got the right speed to catch the smoke's meanders without the photo being too dark.

Anonymous said...

oooooooooooh Nathalie how I love this design of the rising smoke. It reminds me of that scrub technique in painting and photoshop has that effect but you havent lost the volume of the smoke.
how dreamlike all of this seems.your perpetual wood burning heat. I have a feeling that one of your dreams have come true.
you white witch you. kisses.

Thérèse said...

Encore une fois quelle chance! My main priority: finding a new home with a chimney... guess why?

Bob Crowe said...

Picturesque and romantic, perhaps, but I don't think I'd like it. I have awful memories of me and my clothing stinking of smoke after a camping trip. My career as a Boy Scout was an utter failure.

Karine A said...

Très belle cette photo, je la verrai bien comme illustration d'un livre...

Bergson said...

que la lumière soit


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