Monday 12 November 2012

The new view from my window


Jack said...

It is a delightful view. I admire it and am just a little bit envious.


Beautiful!,you deserve it!, enjoy!, next season will be wonderful!Greetings.

Anonymous said...

ohc'est magnifique. c'est la preuve que pourquoi voyager il faut seulement regarder par la fenetre.

Nathalie,j'ai trouvé ton commentaire c'est Jeff magnfique! allez voir la ce que j'ai dit. cétait vraiment une inspiration pour moi!

je t'embrasse dans cette lumière brillante.

Anonymous said...

Nathalie, tu devrais commencer ta propre école de la philososphie!!

chri said...


Michel said...

Nathalie, your new view is beautiful. I wish you all the best in your new home and next phase of life. Have a great week.

Linda said...

That beats city streets any day. And oh - those shutters!

Fardoise said...

Avec une vue pareille, je pense que le Palais ne te manque pas trop :-)

Babzy.B said...

Superbe ! :)

jeandler said...

Position dominante
les horizons lointains...
suivre les saisons

Thérèse said...

Oh quelle chance!

Dina said...

Ah, paradise.

The window is as beautiful as the view.

PeterParis said...

Difficle de rêver mieux!

Michel Benoit said...

Une lumière comme ça dans une chambre, quel pied !

ˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉ said...

Aussi loin que puisse porter le regard, rien ne l'arrête...

Tilia said...

Un vaste horizon sur la campagne, le rêve !

paul said...

Brilliant shot of a priceless view! Wonderful.

Kim said...

Stunning. May I just sit here awhile and soak up the warm sun. This is so inviting. I love the shadows of the mullions and the warmth of the wooden door. It looks like a vineyard below and perhaps that's an olive tree top. Oh it's enchanting. Enjoy your new digs!

JoeinVegas said...

Oh, it is a lovely view. Want to trade?

Anonymous said...

Girl done good

nathalie, avignon said...

Joe I would trade for sea views perhaps, but have you got any in Vegas??? LOL

Virginia said...

Peter's right you know. What a stunning view. I"m so happy for you.

Jilly said...

Can't be mad! The absolutely dream of Provence, chere Nathalie xxx Happy days and happy nights ...

Anonymous said...
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bv said...

cool ;-) I wish I come to visit you soon...


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