Sunday 23 December 2012

Noël - l'amour

Une fête de Noël, c'est d'abord de l'amour partagé.
En cette période de Noël je vous souhaite à tous, du fond du coeur, beaucoup d'amour donné et reçu.

Christmas is before all about sharing and loving.
During this festive season I wish you all from the bottom of my heart much love given and received.


Anonymous said...

Nat Joyeux Noel pour toi et tes proches,aux pays du Muscat, des olives, des dentelles.
Ta voisine la plus proche.... je te vois passer... tu ne me reconnais pas!!!! c'est quand que tu t’arrêtes!!! Milliers de bises

Michel Benoit said...

Prions pour ceux qui aiment la guerre.


chri said...

De belles fêtes pleines d'amour partagé à toi et tes proches, Nathalie!

jeandler said...

Le monde a grand besoin d'amour...

Bonnes fêtes à toi et pour tous tes proches, dans la joie et la gaieté.

Pastelle said...

Très belle image. Tendres fêtes à toi.

Cuisine de Provence said...

A very happy Christmas to you too Nathalie and all the best for a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

Fardoise said...

Oui, le rêve est toujours permis, et nous pouvons toujours rêver de paix et d'amour.

Thérèse said...

Le plus beau message qui soit!

Anonymous said...

chère magnifique Nathalie,
halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah

bises en les couleurs de Noël.

Bob Crowe said...

Oh, what a beautiful and touching photograph, at once so subtle and strong. Love and Christmas joy to you and your family from St. Louis.

PeterParis said...

God Jul!!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

A wonderful secular Madonna and Child.

Olivier said...

Je te souhaite un JOYEUX NOEL a toi et toute ta famille

Anonymous said...

and yes this is a beautifully powerful xmas image as oakland daily photo pointed out.

Ofcourse I agree with you Nathalie, xmas is about love.after all it originated from the xmas story of the birth of christ and whether or not you want to believe that story or not it is obvious to derive from it the meaning of love.materialism at christmas can be overplayed and actually ruin a beautiful holiday. Some people go into debt and experience financial hardships because of buying christmas presents.and sometimes it is hard to please people anyway. on boxing day we see long line ups of people returning gifts that do not please them.
couple of years ago I remember reading in our local journal how parents are stressed out at christmas because their kids ask for stuff that the parents can't afford and then on christmas day the kids days are spoiled along with the parents because santa didnt bring what they wanted. ofcourse this isnt always the case. I have met kids that are very spiritual about christmas but the fact that this situation can exist in some homes is devastating.

on the other hand though I think christmas can mean a wide variety of things to people. and I think too much emphasis can be placed on the love aspect.loving should be all year round and just as important on christmas as on other days.

in fact this love emphasis on christmas can backfire.marriages or relationships that are painful seem to become worse on christmas.split famillies can go through a lot of grief because one parent isnt present at christmas.or if someone is greiving the death of a person than it becomes worse.

often heads and hearts are unrealistically lost over a society we have become unbalanced over this day.

ok the religious message is deep and rewarding to behold to the religious person,and it can be used as a tool to examine values, and give to charities.

but maybe after that we should concentrate a bit more on just having a bit of plain fun.
Ofcourse I am speaking for my own love of christmas music. I went to 12 concerts.(all free I may add and top of the line.)

and the lights are awesome to behold.there are festival of christmas trees here that are awesome.and there are sleigh rides and making gingerbread houses. and wonderful christmas literature.there are a lot of fun free events in my city.

maybe just relax and have a good time.

well each one to his own opinion but I feel that to suggest that love is stronger on christmas day is dangerous thinking.

ho ho ho. I know that avignon-in -photos loves debates but somehow I feel that I am going to be the only one here analyzing.

always a pleasure to give opinions here Nathalie.

I embrace you in the light of the season.

Leovi said...

Beautiful. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of joy with your loved ones. Leovi.

Anonymous said...


wishing you a heart overflowing with love and joy at christmas that lasts the entire year.

I imagine that those country christmases are beautiful.


Tilia said...

Merci pour cette merveilleuse image de tendresse.
Joyeux Noël, Nathalie !

Thierry Collart said...

Joyeux Noël à toi Nathalie.

Jilly said...

Beautiful beautiful image and treatment.


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