Friday 13 January 2012

Technicolor sunset

Entre Palavas et MagueloneA technicolor sunset with all-natural special effects courtesy of the car's windshield tinted sun shades.
This post is my participation to Skywatch Friday - click here to see more skies around the world.

Coucher de soleil en technicolor avec effets spéciaux naturels offerts par le pare-soleil teinté de la voiture.
Cette image est ma participation à Skywatch Friday - cliquez ici pour voir d'autres cieux autour du monde.


Anonymous said...

spectacular, nathalie

the colors are gorgeous

funny seeing only the road is
in "sunset" color -- what an eye
you have!

× × ×




Jack said...


Nathalie said...

Jack, I wasn't driving, I was in the passenger seat!!!

Anonymous said...

ah magnifique Nathalie-c'est une photo existentielle.
J'aimerais voir une série de tes photos a travers les fenetres....

chri said...

Waoouuuh! Un retour en verts et contre tout!

claude said...

Wunderschön, Nathalie !

jeandler said...

Surprenant !
L'orange de la route tempère un peu l'acidité du ciel...

AnneduSud said...


Adrianne Molin said...

Very gorgeous work. :)

Puerto Azul |
top tourist destination in the Philippines

Babzy.B said...

très bel effet :)

L'agent de circulation said...

Comment madame? vous prenez des photos tout en conduisant?

Nathalie said...

Monsieur l'agent j'ai un alibi : je ne conduisais pas, j'étais passagère !

Cuisine de Provence said...

Wow! Magnificent.

PeterParis said...

So, the car windshield made the Photoshop job for you! :-)

Have a nice weekend!

L. Neusiedler said...

amazing! I was wondering how come you got such colours! great idea!

DrillerAA said...

Simply stunning.

Chrissy Brand said...

Clever idea Nathalie ;-)

Chrissy at Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

Diane said...

Wow that is gorgeous. Diane

Grenoble in Photos said...

so Wonderful !

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sky color!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Great job using the car windshield for special effects!

Jilly said...

As Peter said you don't need Photoshop. Great colours and love the way the eye is drawn to it via the cars and horizon. Lovely.

Balanced Melting Pot said...

I love the shades of blue - I've never seen a sunset with truquoise before!

Firas said...

Totally varied colors of the sky! Great shot...


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