Allez, une petite nouvelle locale : samedi matin une voiture est tombée dans un trou rue Guillaume Puy. Je suis contente que ça n'ait pas été moi, j'y passe tous les jours. Réparation l'après-midi : le trou avait été creusé par la fuite d'une canalisation d'eau.

La photo de l'accident m'a été envoyée par mon ami M.D. - merci à lui d'avoir couvert l'événement.

That's never any fun!
Neighborhood excitement! The biggest thing that I can remember near us was a big tree blowing over in a fierce storm. It damaged a neighbor's roof. Now if we can just dodge the tornadoes...
French theme, sort of, on STL DPB Monday.
J'ai pense tout d'abord que tu nous presentais un trompe l'oeil!!!
Can you imagine what a shock it was for the driver to be going along and suddenly have the road fall away underneath.
En avion les trous d'air, en voiture les trous d'eau! Il fallait être là.
C'est plus qu'une ornière !
Peut être une grotte souterraine à découvrir dans la rue de mimi...
Oui, c'est une bonne idée ça de creuser des places de stationnement individuelles sous la chaussée.
C’est bien d’avoir des amis qui t’aident à faire des reportages complets ! :-)
Wow, what a huge hole! Great photos.
Autos are a greater risk here. Last night, as my partner and I were driving out of the mountains, we saw a cyclist face down on the asphalt. Hit. It was chilling. I hope he survived. I waited to hear the sirens leaving (a sign that he was breathing and on his way to the hospital).
Michel, bonne idée certes. Ce qui manque en fait c'est la signalisation adaptée ;)
Pasadena Adjacent - a chilly story indeed. I wonder if your cyclist was wearing a helmet? Helmets aren't compulsory in France although strongly recommended, and only about 30% of cyclists wear them.
I heard today on the radio that a scientific experiment was conducted to see what could be an effective incentive.
- 25% of cyclists who took part in the study were given a brochure explaining the benefits of wearing a helmet
- 25% were given a free helmet
- 25% were given a brochure and a helmet
- 25% were given nothing at all.
In the end (after a year) it appears that there were no conclusive difference between the various groups : on average, 30% were wearing a helmet, no matter which group they belonged to.
I beleve the only solution is enforcement, just like in Australia.
Sacré trou ! Je comprends mieux pourquoi la baladine n'est pas passée rue Guillaume Puy samedi.
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