Sunday, 22 April 2012


Aujourd'hui ON VOTE pour le premier tour des élections présidentielles 2012. Allez vous promener si vous voulez (le village de Pujaut est très beau) mais allez VOTER d'abord !
Today is the first round of the 2012 French Presidential elections. Go for a walk in our beautiful Provence (the village of Pujaut is worth a visit, sure!) but go and VOTE first.


Unknown said...

Yes, VOTE! Your beautiful country depends on your vote!

chri said...

Tout en haut du village c'est une amie qui y habite! La vue de là-haut est une pure merveille....
Oui, votez dur, votez mou, mais votez dans le trou! disait-on finement...

Owen said...

But for who ???

Seems to be a case of having to choose the lesser of several evils, rather than the best that one can believe in. None of them have resonated with me, I must admit. But vote I will to be sure...

chri said...

Il y a quelque chose de changé ici! Le fond? La mise en page? Les couleurs du papier peint?
Les images semblent posées sur le mur. Je trouve ça bien! said...

If people vote and walk in the countryside on the same day, perhaps politicians who support protecting the environment would win more elections.

AnneduSud said...

A voté!

jeff said...

Voter, voter, voter... mais pour qui ?
Sarko, Hollande, Mélanchon, Le pen, Joly, Poutou... etc... ?
Tous des pignoufs... mais j'ai voté ;-)
Belle journée Nathalie ;-)
Je vote pour les coquelicots ;-)

Catherine said...

yes this is certainly the message of the day...

Nathalie said...

Oui Jeff, il faut voter pour les coquelicots, c'est ce que je vais faire ;-)

Tilia said...

Le coquelicot prenant le pas sur la rose ? Youpeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!

Julie said...

Very exciting period in your country. You look as though you are veering left, when the rest of the world is veering right. France is always in the vanguard!!

Fardoise said...

C'est fait ! Ce nouveau fond va bien à ton blog, mais il me dit quelque chose ...

Virginia said...

We will all be watching France!

jeff said...

Merci infiniment Nathalie... ;-)
C'est vrai que pour moi, la chose qui me manque cruellement... c'est de me dire ou de ne plus se dire plutôt... je ne pourrais plus te serrer dans mes bras ! Le corps manque terriblement !...

Bisous Nathalie :-)

Bob Crowe said...

This country, having a streak of habitual idiocy, has elections on Tuesday. It's from New England agrarian society: Sunday was the Sabbath, Monday was a travel day and Tuesday was market day when everyone got together. Never been changed. Our elections are just over six months away. You know something about Carolyn and my politics but I'll just say that a certain party strikes us as somewhere between insane and just evil. We're nervous.


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