Of someone who is daydreaming the French say that they are in the moon,
dans la lune. That's how this cute young boy appeared to me. In fact he was watching a street performance and his father had perched him on this narrow ledge so that he could see despite the thick crowd of adults in front of him. The father kept his hand close by in case the boy fell.
J'ai adoré le regard dans la lune de ce jeune garçon. En fait il était en train de regarder un spectacle de rue et son père l'avait perché sur ce haut rebord de pierre pour qu'il puisse voir quelque chose malgré la foule compacte d'adultes devant lui. Le père gardait sa main proche pour le cas où son fils perdrait l'équilibre.
Handsome gent! This is like a scene out of one of Marcel Pagnol's books. Nice capture. You do amazing work on this blog. ;-)
J'adore ces instants de vie. La première photo est vraiment terrible de beuté et de simplicité, on y voit vraiment l'enfant rêver ;-)
Nice smile of engagement in the second image, Nathalie. Cannot magine trying that stance at my age and body shape ...
Beautiful shots - both of them. the boy has such a dreamy expression - you captured it so wonderfully. I'd not heard the 'in the moon' expression in French - thanks.
Bonjour Nathalie !
On voudrait bien connaître les pensées de ce jeune homme...
Toujours intriguant quelqu'un qui est dans la lune...
Il est un beau ange et vous êtes toujours là pour le capturer miraculeusement.
He has the face of an angel intensified by that dreamy smile.
Beautifully caught. It's a pity he probably won't see it..
In the first photo you have really succeeded in catching the day dreaming of this boy. Excellent!!
Très belle photo vraiment.
J'ai vu hier une petite fille qui regardait une sculpture à avec intensité, curiosité, réflexion... et je n'ai pas osé la photographier.
Stunning photo!
Incredible. The second shot is really nice.
Un beau portrait, j'espère que le garçon se verra sur ton blog
The composition in the first photo is perfect. The little boy does look like he is daydreaming. I am always amazed at your photographs. You capture the most beautiful moments
Il a la pose idéale pour se tenir en équilibre sur un croissant de lune...
Of all the subjects from which we have to choose, I prefer portraits. I agree with all of the above comments. Both are excellent captures of a really incredible looking boy!
Great couple of shots. And so lucky to be able to take photos of children without getting into trouble.
Quelle belle attitude que celle de ce garçon...Et quel beau regard que le votre! J'ai pensé à Fly me to the moon chanté par Sinatra...
Wow. Your blog is beautiful. I love the moody atmosphere of the picture with the boy watching, daydreaming...
Thanks for sharing!
What a fantastic capture of the cute little fellow!
We also say 'être dans la lune' around here and that is how the boy really looks like on the 1st photo :-)
bravo, tu as bien saisie le moment, ce qui en fait un superbe portrait
Nice boy, obviously a nice dad... and espcailly and for sure, nice pics!!
Splendide photo !
great portrait, that first one,
Très jolie photo. Le bon coup d'oeil au bon moment.
I really like the first photo. He really does look like he's dans la lune.
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