Food stall, Ban des Vendanges
Finger-licking good French pastries: from left to right, croissants, pastis landais, cannelés and sacristains.
Croissants need no presentation I'm sure.
Pastis landais are aniseed flavoured brioches.
Cannelés (marked at 2 euros) are little rum cup cakes originally from the Bordeaux region. They have become very fashionable of late and can now be found everywhere in France, read more about them
Sacristains are twisted ribbons of puff pastry with slivered almonds and powder sugar. What are you having?
Journée gourmande : de gauche à droite, croissants, pastis landais, cannelés bordelais (marqués 2 euros) et sacristains. Il me semble que les cannelés sont devenus très à la mode ces derniers temps, on en voit partout. Les pastis landais sont des briochettes parfumées à l'anisette. Les sacristains, ce sont bien sûr des rubans de pâte feuilletée enroulés en spirale avec des amandes effilées et du sucre glace. Alors, que prenez-vous?
Each type of cookies here has a different fruit flavor: almonds, figs, raisins, cherries, lemon rind.
Chaque variété de biscuit ici a un parfum de fruit différent : sablés au citron, navettes à la fleur d'oranger, biscuits aux raisins secs, aux noisettes, aux cerises ou aux figues.
Hmmmm, let me see,..... I think I will have croissants and sacristains. Or maybe.....tout?
My mouth is watering - oh so delightfully yummy!!!!
hummmmm .. quel plaisir des yeux et quel régal .. les cannelés, les sacristains .. difficile d'y résister !!!
Nathalie, you featured one of my favorite cakes in the world, the cannelés. I had my first taste of it when I was in Paris many years ago. Since then, I've been hunting for them in NYC but no such luck.
Strangely enough, I saw them at a bakery in Philadelphia. I quickly bought two and ate it right then and there.
Which one? Which one! You must be kidding; I'll take one of each plus a sample bag of cookies.
these look beautiful, but give me a baguette with sweet butter and ice cold milk any time! No wonder you are happy to be back :) Lovely.
Madame est gourmande, et gourmet(te)...
Je partage avec Toi ces 2 qualités...
Everything looks so good! I like the way everything is displayed in baskets.
Ah ! Choisir, c'est pas du gâteau !
Et les goûter tous, c'est pas de la tarte !
I was going to choose Pastis landais, but perhaps I should sample the trendy Cannelés instead. I know I'd like one of the fig cookies! How splendid to see such choices so beautifully presented. Yum!
Seattle Daily Photo
Cannelés. They are so adorable! And they do sound very delish. I must try to find myself some molds so I can make them.
OOOOOOOOOOOOh que c'est vilain de faire ça aux gens !
J'en salive... bravo !
Aren't you ashamed?
We could have weight only by looking at.
Tentation Day! First at Jilly and
now you!
Dear Nathalie,
please come to my blog I have an award for you there.
Sorry, I had to eat some of your cookies. They look so delicious and I am just sitting here with my morning coffee blogging...
Have a nice sunday!
oh to share a french fancy avec toi mon petite madame
i shall visit lindt in your honour
The cannelés sound heavenly! And I'll have one each of the cookies with my coffee. :)
Ach, now I'm going to have to look for cookies when I go out tomorrow.
I'll stuff myself with the canneles, yum.
I would just have to sample one of everything. How delicious do they look.
mmmm lucky you, you're really enjoying yourself!
yummy photos, thanx for sharing =)
checking up your today's post comments, I can notice a lot of cannelés fans. I am not that different then!! Love cannelés, can't help it.
Hope all is good in Avignon. We are back à la capitale, winter seems to be already on his way: far too early in my view, don't you think?
love to you from us.
Delicious photos :) Been to Grenoble recently and fall in love with Sacristains! But the canneles you mentioned are something I see for the first time, not sure wjether you can buy it in Rhone-Alpes department.
It all looks so delicious and sounds delicious in Canada like the word pastery sounds. I am sure it is derived from the french word pâtisserie.
C'est vraiment tristement drôle- quand j'entre dans un café et je commande un croissant chaque fois presque, et quand je dis le mot croissant je suis un peu embarrassée parceque je suis française et alors je donne une prononciation française, je roule mon r. Et c'est absurde que je me sens comme ça. Le pays canada est bilingue mais la majorité parle anglais.
Et je pense -si je me sens comme étrangère dans mon propre pays, pour une petite chose simple comme ça imaginez comment c'est pour les étrangers.
Merci Nathalie.
Yummy je vais aller manger un croissant.
Magnifique présentation comme toujours.
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