Monday, 2 January 2012

Bouquet jaune

Still life on garden table.
Nature morte sur table de jardin.


Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful photo with lots of interest in terms of textures, colour, light and shade!
May 2012 be a wonderful year for you.

Jack said...

Excellent. You took an ordinary scene and made it special.

Thérèse said...

Je me retrouve a l'ombre de ton bouquet alors que je m,appretais a blablater sur Gordes.
Tu as probablement gagne au change!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Brilliant catch!

Redefining Oblivion wishes you a Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Purposeful 2012, and beyond.

Le Journal de Chrys said...

Le jeu des ombres et lumières: un régal!

chri said...

De rien, un vase, une table, un soleil tu fais du beau. Et voilà!

Gunn said...

Nice, and also artistic!
Love your blog!:)

HAPPY 2012!

PeterParis said...

You are really a master of shadows!!

Happy New year!

Bergson said...

je vois que tu as décidé d'envoyer la photo de l'année tous les jours

Anonymous said...

may the drops of the golden sun of this photo last throughout 2012
bises de la nouvelle année.

Virginia said...

I love this so much. The shadows are perfect my friend, but the details in the table top add so much for me.


Linda said...

All I can think is, "what bright sunlight for this time of year". Very shocking to a northern eye.

Nathalie said...

Ce bouquet jaune il est pour toi Marcel.


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