Saturday, 3 March 2012

Lecture en couleurs

Accordionist Lea Lachat and double bass player Vincent Bauza at a great performance I attended last week. I've already featured these two wonderful musicians on this blog here and there. Treasured moments...

L'accordéoniste Léa Lachat et le contrebassiste Vincent Bauza accompagnaient la semaine dernière un spectacle magnifique, une lecture de l'Enéide de Denis Guénoun d'après Virgile. Vous les avez déjà vus sur ce blog, lui ici, elle là. Que de bons souvenirs...


Delphinium said...

Ils ont l'air très inspiré.

Delphinium said...

Mon commentaire est très court, je ne suis pas inspirée???

Delphinium said...

glop, glop

Owen said...

Lovely lighting for some no doubt wonderful music... ah, if only we could be everywhere at once...

Bob Crowe said...

Patriotic, except for a splash of yellow. I yearn to hear the sound itself. Someone once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Perhaps you could say the same about photographing it.

Anonymous said...

I like your processing on both photos.

Leif Hagen said...

Lovely portraits of the musicians, Nathalie! Love the blue lighting! Bravo!

Olivier said...

deux beaux portraits, avec une tres belle lumiere


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