Tuesday 28 June 2011

Village house for sale

Les Angles, vieux village
18h century village house for sale, 10 minute drive from Avignon city centre, very quiet, old walls, beautifully renovated, no garden but a large rooftop terrace with great views. A friend of mine just bought it. She says that for the same price she could have had a modern home with garden and pool a little further away from Avignon and that's what she was originally looking for but when she saw this place she fell in love with it and nothing could compare. Arriving from Australia she originally believed her main requirement would be lots of space - in the end she fell for old world charm. Can you understand her choice?
A vendre: maison de village à 10 minutes du centre ville d'Avignon, très calme, vieux murs, belle rénovation, pas de jardin mais grande terrasse avec vue sur le Rhône et sur les toits du village. Une de mes amies vient de l'acheter. A prix équivalent elle a vu des maisons récentes avec jardin et piscine un peu plus éloignées d'Avignon et au départ c'est ce qu'elle cherchait mais quand elle a vu cette maison elle en est tombée amoureuse. Arrivant d'Australie elle pensait au départ que le plus important pour elle serait d'avoir de l'espace ; finalement ce sont les vieilles pierres qui l'ont séduite. Est-ce un choix que vous comprenez ?


Michel Benoit said...

Pas de mer ?

Pas de rivière ?

Alors, jamais sans la piscine !


Olivier said...

belle maison, superbe, mais perso jamais ds le sud, il fait trop chaud.

Nathalie said...

MB - ah, y'a une piscine chez toi? Super, tu m'invites ?

Julie said...

Ooo yes, I can understand this choice. It is my own choice even here in Sydney - well not the 18th century part, but the smaller footprint with courtyard rather than standalone garden. My only issue would be the stairs. How many flights up would she be? And does she face the summer breezes? Do the pavers in that last image, give way to gravel on the level one up?

Nathalie said...
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Nathalie said...

Julie she bought the whole house: garage, cellar and study on the ground floor, living room + kitchen and 2 bedrooms (each with its own bathroom) on the next floor up, her own bedroom with ensuite on the top floor giving onto the rooftop terrace you see in my photos. The terrace is paved throughout and has its own separate summer kitchen.

Tilia said...

La proximité de son amie (et du centre-ville) ont sans doute fait pencher la balance !

Nathalie, une piscine ne fait pas le poids face à toi ;-)

C'est un choix judicieux, car en plus elle n'aura pas à passer la tondeuse. Pas contre, j'espère que la cloche ne sonne pas la nuit, sinon ça va lui faire tout drôle !

Leif Hagen said...

I think she found a gem of a house with great views and lots of space! If I weren't sooo shy, I'd ask the price of the house.....

Owen said...

As long as the bell across the street doesn't ring at the crack of dawn, I guess it would be ok... there are some places that are just love at first sight.

Although, I'd have a hard time not having a garden... we've put in radishes, tomatoes, rhubarb, courgettes, mint, lavender, thyme, carrots, not to mention the grape vine... and it is a pleasure to go pick or dig up fresh vegetables and herbs and whatnot. The fresh grape juice every August-September time is heaven... hard to do all that on a terrace. But then with all the good things in the local markets down your way, I guess one could survive without a "potager"...

Jack said...

I certainly understand, although that is not how I live. If I were in a place like Avignon, I would want to be able to walk everywhere and participate in the life of the city.

chri said...

Quelle terrasse superbe avec cette vue ... On peut comprendre!

claude said...

Why not ! Mais il est vrai que quand on y est habitué, une piscine, c'est pas mal. Elle a raison d'imer les vieilles pierres. ET puis la terrasse est sympa avec palmier, cycas et autres verdure ; ça ressemble un peu à chez moi, à part que nos pierres sont plus récentes.

Jilly said...

Oh yes I can understand this - right in the middle of the action, the history of those amazing old buildings and frankly a terrace big enough that you get the feel of a garden - at least you can grow tomatoes and play around with a few plants. Sometimes I'll probably have to be thinking about as I get older...

And how nice for you to have a friend so close.

Adam said...

But how much did it cost? :-)

It looks lovely, but with two small kids I'd need a garden and not a rooftop terrace that I'd be terrified of them ever using!

jeandler said...

Au-dessus des toits,
tutoyant le clocher
les heures s'égrènent en bonheur

Mark said...

It has been a cold bleak winters day here and I long for that sunny terrace.
Your friend has made the right decision. Suburbia is boring, this is where the life is!

nathalie said...

The chapel's bell does ring every hour but it's a simple and discreet ting, nothing that would wake you up in a sweat at night.

susan jenkins said...

Absolutely a dream of a place! How fortunate to find such a wonderful home in such a beautiful setting!

O how I would LOVE it!!


Thérèse said...

Tout pour plaire.. tu me trouves la meme chose a Montpellier?? ;-)mais bon on a encore le temps.

Marie-Noyale said...

Seulement en FRance...ce charme!

Ah si je n'etais pas si loin!!...........

Muriel said...

et puis, elle peut ajouter un baquet pour se tremper les pieds au soleil!

Bergson said...

je comprends d'autant mieux que j'ai passé la tondeuse ce soir

Anonymous said...

ah quel magnifique passage a un autre monde..

des moines self storage said...
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jeandler said...

Toute la magie des villages perché de provence... quand on est au sommet. Of course.

la francophone said...

Jeandler - oeuf corse.

jeff said...

La vue sur le clocher devrait être retouchée...:) Nooonnn... je plaisante ! How many ?

PeterParis said...

I would probably have made the same choice! :-)

Nathalie said...

Michel je suis comme toi. Si pas de mer et pas de rivière, il faut une piscine !


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