Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Pet show

Rue Joseph Vernet, Avignon

Celebrity cushions 45 euros each. Michael Jackson, Mao Tse Toung, Johnny Depp, Andy Warhol... who else can you recognise here?  Would you buy one? Which?

Coussins personnalités 45 euros pièce. Michael Jackson, Mao Tse Toung, Johnny Depp, Andy Warhol... qui d'autre reconnaissez-vous ? Ca vous amuse ? Vous achèteriez ? Lequel ?


Stickup Artist said...

Oh my, those are hilarious. I've never seen anything quite like it, and on pillows, no less. They are really well executed too. I don't think I'd display one in my own home, but this is fan art at it's best and most clever.

Fardoise said...

Rigolo, mais franchement je n'achèterais pas, surtout pour en faire cadeau.

Michel Benoit said...

De Karl Lagerfeld à Amy Winehouse...

jeandler said...

De préférence, un chat !

Thérèse said...

Inepttie! Mais vaut surement le détour pour la photo!

Altax said...
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Altax said...

Can't control my laugh. Awesome!!! especially Jack sparrow and MJ ones.

Learning Games

Tilia said...

suis adepte du chat Depp :)

Jilly said...

Reminds me alittle of the French artist, Thierry Poncelet. He takes old oil paintings and replaces the faces with dogs!

Anonymous said...

aha haha ha ha

very cute, nathalie

(love the reflection!)

× × ×


chri said...

C'est amusant, rigolo mais je n'en achèterai pas (et je n'aimerai pas non plus qu'on m'en offre!!!).

Shaun said...

Well from what i can see you also have there Audrey Hepburn, Amy winehouse, Snoop dogg... you already know the rest.

I do love these, but would end up buying hem all.

Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

Owen said...

45 euros ? No way...

Et les sujets, il font pas quelques rotations dans leurs tombes ?

Bob Crowe said...

I wouldn't buy any of them. For example, if one sat on Michael Jackson's face, even a caricature, the most awful things could happen.

Nathalie said...

Je ne sais pas s'ils se retournent dans leurs tombes, je me demande aussi s'ils touchent des royalties ?

Nathalie said...

Bob - thanks for your comment. I burst out laughing ! :-))))

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Did anyone say snoop dog? audrey Hepburn? I want them all. I have a special affection for cat shows. I wonder how well they'd sell at one

claude said...

Avanr que Bichel le dise j'avais reconnu Amy Winehouse. C'est opeut d'illaurs le moins moche.


J'aime beaucoup Mao Tsé Toung. Ce portrait l'humanise un peu.


PeterParis said...

Sans vouloir acheter un… (ou il les faudrait tous...) il faut quand’ même dire que l’artiste a bien cherché la bonne tête d'animal pour aller avec les portraits !

Nadezda said...

C'est rigolo mais je n’achèterai pas.:)

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Hahaha...Really funny picture. I think I´d buy the Stalin one. Have a great week.


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