Sunday, 16 November 2008

Sarkozy is watching you

Verger Urbain VFor those of you who could ignore it, Nicolas Sarkozy is our President and the fear expressed here is related to the new EDVIGE central information system created by decree on 27 June 2008. There are strong fears that the system would let the authorities centralize a considerable amount of information about citizens, from their contact details to their tax paying status, sexual preferences, political opinions, health and bank details etc. This Big Brother approach to modern society generates much concern, and not in France alone. A wonderful little video produced by the American Civil Liberties Union The Big Brother Pizza Order shows that the same concern exists in the USA. If you have a minute, do take the time to watch it, it's both fun and terrifying. Do you have such fears in your country? (BTW, did you notice that the first part of the ad was in English, not in French? But it is followed by "organisons la résistance" - we must organize resistance)

Sarkozy vous regarde, on imagine volontiers que cet avertissement concerne le nouveau fichier EDVIGE (Exploitation Documentaire et Valorisation de l'Information Générale) créé par décret du 27 juin 2008 et destiné à la DCRI, fichier qui inquiète considérablement les associations de défense des droits humains. Ce sytème pourrait en effet permettre le recoupement d'un nombre considérable d'informations sur les citoyens, adresse et numéros de téléphone, engagement politique, santé, orientation sexuelle, détails bancaires et situation au regard des impôts, etc. Les craintes d'acheminement vers un état Big Brother sont fortes... et probablement justifiées, tant il peut être tentant pour n'importe quel état de disposer d'un outil aussi utile et performant. J'ai découvert que la même inquiétude anime nos amis américains, comme le montre la vidéo The Big Brother Pizza Order produite par l'American Civil Liberties Union. A regarder si vous comprenez bien l'anglais, c'est édifiant, mais accrochez-vous : l'accent américain est fort et ça va vite!


ichandrae said...

chère Nathalie.
J'adore ces collages d'affiches pour nous donner les nouvelles.Très artsy.
J'ai aimé la vidéo.haha,
Solutions:ramassez la pizza.ha ha.

Webradio said...

Bonjour Nathalie...

Tu sais, ce système existe depuis longtemps, mais sur plusieurs "machines" différentes... Heureusement qu'"ils" sont nuls en informatique...

A bientôt...

Jilly said...

That is scary stuff, Nathalie. A brilliant video. Unfortunately it's quite likely to be in our future, if it isn't here already.

Anonymous said...

Never mind

Sharon said...

That video is a little scary. It reminds me of a British made television series I watched recently on our Public Television station. It was frightening how people were followed electronically everywhere they went.

ichandrae said...

ET aussi Nathalie c'est la très belle puissante photographie quand vous photographiez ce qui entoure l'affiche comme la chaine.C'est très puissant.

Au sérieux si nous sommes exploiter à cause de l'information traqué bien ca c'est un problème mais peut-être il n'yaura pas beaucoup de place pour l'exploitation.La pizza ne couterait jamais 80 dollars.ha ha Alors peut-être on a de la phobie.

Mais je n'aime pas l'idée d'avoir l'identification électronique dessous la peau parceque ca peut causer le cancer.

bonne journée magique.

merci précieuse Nathalie.

Babzy.B said...

la video vraiment très bien ...Mais on rit jaune ;)

Julie said...

The Australian Government tries every now and again to introduce an Australia Card for identification. I would not mind this as it would be official. At the moment, we are followed everywhere anyway by things like CCTV and mobile phones. They know everything about us and we dont know what they know.

The good thing about surveillance, however, is that it makes it easier to pinpoint who did what to whom.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Already happening in the UK, bit by bit. One of the reasons eventually we wish to move to France is to get away fron this sort of thing, and of course, the weather the food, and well everything.

Chuckeroon said...

It's the way things are going in every country: not just France, not just Britain, not just America.........So, why? Does this mean that the terrorists have won because our "freedoms" are being destroyed? Britain was once the "most free" of all. I fear that those "freedoms" are being seriously erroded by fear.

Thérèse said...

Insuffler la peur est une arme dangereuse, on en sait quelque chose.

PeterParis said...

Yes I watched the Big Brother Pizza Order... and we are close - if not already there!

Bin Laden "and friends" are a good (bad) excuse to this development, but it would have come anyhow.

I read that Paris will quadruple the number of cameras, but we would anyhow be tripled by London!

But, nothing to worry about: Sarko confirmed that there is no contradiction between installation of cameras and respect for the individual freedom! :-)

Bergson said...

quand on a un président qui nous tiens informé de tout ce qu'il fait et il en fait (ou il en dit !!), il est normal qu'il veuille tout savoir de son petit peuple afin d'anticiper "ses désirs" et peut être de calmer les plus énervés !!

Cergie said...

J'aime bien comme tu as cadré la photo du haut Tu as réussi à faire une jolie image (affiche nette, fond flou rappel par les tons)
Esthétisme très réussi et involontaire du poseur d'affiche indépendamment de tout message politique

Adam said...

Nice photos.

That organisation is just around the corner from me. I wonder what resistance they are actually proposing?

I'm not really sure why, but it's not a subject that really concerns me. However, it would be nice if we could know as much about them as they know about us!

Kris McCracken said...

Is Sarkozy watching even when you go to the toilet?!?

The filthy brute! ;)

worldmanu said...

Governments throughout the centuries have always tried to know and control the people. IT technologies permits them to do this, and they are not going to miss on that chance. Terrorists are used as an excuse to allow our leader to deploy all these means of controls. They tell us that this information will only be used if needed.
But what happened if a government is kicked out with a "coup d'état", and a dictature is put in place to replace it? These files could be used very easily for the new power in place to find the people it wants to get rid off...
Imagine what would have happened between 1939-1945 if Germany had such a tool....

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Je n'arrive pas à savoir ce qui me gêne le plus : être observé par Sarkozy ou condamné à le voir gesticuler, grimacer sur les écrans et surtout à l'écouter.
Finalement je préfère être dispensé d'ORTF.

Sally said...

I had to take a big sigh when at the G20 Sarkozy started sounding like the world's leading regulatory socialist!

Sally said...
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