Place des Trois Pilats
Postcard-size sticker found this week on a drain pipe in Avignon:
Irak, Porto Rico, Nicaragua, Chile, Salvador, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Guatemala, Kosovo, Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan. Can you guess what the common thread between all these states is? I'm afraid it's America's damaging foreign policy. Can we hope that the newly elected US president will tread more lightly on foreign ground than his predecessors? Some have strong doubts about that: read my friend dive's
excellent post on the subject in his blog
Small Glass Planet (at a time when the result of the election was still unknown). His views may be quite cynical but I'm afraid he summed it all up quite well. Here's an excerpt of dive's prose for those of you too lazy to click on the link. Quote:
"While it is true that an Obama victory would be a huge leap forward for black civil rights and humanity in general and would be a cause of worldwide celebration (whereas a Mc.Cain victory would bring hope to the elderly and to Christian fundamentalists but send the rest of the planet running for cover), I remain cynical.
Republican … Democrat …
We've seen them chop and change so many times before and yet US foreign policy - both military and commercial - remains the same shameful and disgusting cesspool of greed, arrogance, criminality and cowardly bullying whoever is in power.
Not since FDR has the US Presidency been worthy of respect in the eyes of the world.
Much as it pains me to say it, I don't see an Obama victory changing a damned thing."
I hope Obama proves the cynics wrong. I am certain he will bring a new spirit to foreign affairs. Hopefully during his years in office no other country will be added to the list above.
Petite affiche trouvée cette semaine sur une gouttière à Avignon. Irak, Porto Rico, Nicaragua, Chili, Salvador, Vietnam, Grenade, Panama, Guatemala, Kosovo, Corée, Somalie, Afghanistan. Trouverez-vous le lien entre tous ces pays ? J'ai bien peur que ce soit les ravages de la politique étrangère américaine. Peut-on espérer que le président qui vient d'être élu saura avoir une approche du monde plus fine que ses prédecesseurs ? Malheureusement l'étude de l'histoire contemporaine montre que quels que soient les présidents qui se sont succédés, démocrates ou républicains, les Etats-Unis ont continué à mener hors de leurs frontières la même politique brutalement cynique tant sur le plan commercial que militaire. Lire ici l'excellent billet (en anglais) de mon confrère blogueur dive de Small Glass Planet sur le sujet. Son constat est cynique et désabusé mais j'espère qu'Obama lui donnera tort. Je suis convaincue qu'il insufflera un esprit nouveau aux relations internationales de son pays et j'espère que durant son mandat aucun nouveau pays ne sera ajouté à la triste liste de mon affichette.
A larger view of the drain pipe shows that it also carries two ads: one about a black Persian cat found on 13 October, the other from someone looking for a studio apartment in the neighbourhood as of September, "no exorbitant price please".
Vue plus large de la gouttière, où l'on voit qu'elle porte aussi deux autres petites annonces : l'une concernant un persan noir trouvé le 13 octobre, l'autre provenant d'une personne cherchant un studio intra-muros à partir de septembre, "prix exorbitant s'abstenir".