Saturday 13 February 2010

Home bound

At home - à la maisonStill homebound because of the cold. A splash of afternoon sunshine on a vase of flowers in the corner of my living room - worth a photo for sure. My natural take on it was really lovely but perhaps a bit conventional ? I then tried a more creative approach, centering boldly on the vase rather than its contents. Was it a good idea ?

Toujours cloîtrée à la maison à cause du froid. Un rayon de soleil éclabousse un bouquet de fleurs dans un coin de mon salon - mérite une photo sans aucune doute. Ma première approche est vraiment jolie mais un peu conventionnelle. J'ai ensuite fait un essai plus créatif en centrant la composition sur le vase plutôt que sur son contenu. Etait-ce une bonne idée ?



Si la première photo est très belle, je n'hésite pas une seconde, je préfère de très loin la deuxième ! Pourquoi ? Est-ce que les goûts et les couleurs ça se discute ? Non !!!

PJ said...

Flowers will brighten any day, even the coldest.

Kailua Dad said...

I really enjoy your top photo. It is warm and soooo French! Great abstract quality to the second photo of the vase and leaves.

Brigetoun said...

je trouve que la première avec les fruits épaulant les fleurs n'est pas mal non plus.
Je trouve qu'un vase de fleurs c'est sans doute plus décoratif qu'un oranger mort (qu'il me pardonne)

Jilly said...

That first shot, which personally I prefer, is not conventional in that you've caught that shadow so beautifully and the light is glorious. The arrangement of flowers - so simple and beautiful - says a lot about you. There is other interest in that I think 'Ah Natalie separates her apples and oranges.' (I chuck mine in a bowl together!) I look at the beautiful wood. I love the wicker tray. Hardly conventional. I see you cropped a tiny bit of the pic to the left too, as you mentioned to me yesterday. So snap! (or framed it that way).

Get well soon!

vera said...

pour sur,academique, mais si beau! bel equilibre, les fruits bienvenus, les balncs un peu brulés faciles a atténuer..
pour quand ton voyage a la Réunion?

claude said...

Je suis revenue sur ton post d'hier et je trouve la seconde photo très belle.
Photographier des tiges de fleur dans un vase, why not, quand la photo est bien nette comme la tienne, mais j'ai quand même une petite préférence pour ton joli bouquet.
Je t'invite à venir voir mon post de today, Je t'invite au voyage.

Fardoise said...

Je préfère la première, pour l'ensemble, les couleurs, la lumière. Je crois que c'est ce qui manque à la seconde, à mon goût, comme dit Mathilde, il en faut pour tous.

jeandler said...

Oui, il manque une touche de chaleur dans la seconde
surtout aprés avoir admiré la composition aux oranges de la première.

AnneduSud said...

Je vote pour la seconde, mons conventionnelle...
Un namoureux qui t'offre ce joli bouquet?

Michel Benoit said...

Dans la première, nous regardons une nature morte. Nous l'aimons forcément puisqu'elle reprend des canons esthétiques qui confortent notre regard.

Dans le seconde, les canons esthétiques ont sauté. Et ce n'est plus nous qui regardons une nature morte, mais le vase qui nous regarde.

Choisis ton camp camarade !

Moi, j'aime les deux !

Nathalie M said...

C'était une bonne idée, c'est beau.
Ton blog est un bonneur.

Mandy said...

Gosh! What a brilliant photo that second one is. You are right - we would so rarely take the time to notice the beauty of the stems in the vase. Lovely.

Virginia said...

Well this would be a good example in composition for my photography students. We've talked about changing your position from the normal to down low or up high etc. I'm with Jilly, the top photo has those great shadows and all the texture and color. But N, you get an A+ for creativity with the bottom one. THe focus is now the green stems and the angles. Both are very nice.

Thérèse said...

J'aime les deux... Un bouquet et ses variantes.

Louis la Vache said...

The second image reminds «Louis» of a Gary Bukovnik watercolor.

crederae said...

chère Nathalie, une autre belle gracieuse danse de feuilles, écrit sur le mur.

Harriet said...

Just what we ALL needed. A splash of color provided by these still-life photos! Merci.

chri said...

Ce qui s'en dégage, c'est la douceur... Tout le contraire du dehors qui est plutot du genre agressif en ce moment!

ratatouille's archives said...

Bonjour! Nathalie,
I hope that you feel better real...soon.
I must agree with some of your previous commenters' the top photograph is very...beautiful. I truly like the play of light and shadows on the wall and the arrangement of the objects in the photograph too!

Nathalie said,"Was it a good idea?

Hmm...I would say yes,...
...the bottom photograph is very creative, unique and very interesting too!...
...By the way, nice, header too!

Merci de partager!
DeeDee ;-D

Chuck Pefley said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Nathalie ... I know that "home bound" feeling -:)

I'm preferring the first image like some of the other commenters ... of these two ... but my suggestion is you try that vase image again ... but lower camera angle much tighter ... unsolicited advice -:)))

Jilly said...

Just dropped in to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and hope you feel better. xxx

bv said...

ok the bouquet is absolutely gorgeous, but what I am the most jealous about is... the sun reflexion on the wall ;-) il est beau ton pays Nathalie... best. bv

Julie said...

They are two totally different takes, aren't they? I would like to see what you could do by concentrating on the curves within the first image: base of vase, apple, orange, glass dish, yet retain the light/shadow and the wicker/wood. The items in the still life are delightful.

An interesting problem to contemplate.

crederae said...

I'll say it again because you are so MAGNIFIQUE joyeuse st. valentin.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Thanks to all for your most interesting comments.
I am particularly interested by Chuck and Julies suggestions that I try again. I think they are right. The second option hasn't been explored enough. I think adding one orange to the right of the vase would have added the splash of colour that is missing. And trying to position the vase differently so it catches the sun rays better would have been a good idea. Trying different angles too.

Happy Valentine's day to you!

PeterParis said...

I think that the atmosphere, the light, the composition... around the first picture is the one I prefer, a wonderful Stilleben ! ... but I appreciate that your photographic professionalism pushes you to make something different, also nice! :-)


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