Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Theme day: not so funny sign

Today 1st of the month is theme day for City Daily Photo bloggers and this month's theme is Funny signs. My sign above isn't funny at all : a website pretending to provide news photos from around the world is simply stealing contents (photos and text) from my blog and many other CDP blogs. In fact this website is entirely made up of stolen material - that's cheap contents! I hope that the image above will discourage them : when their automated system picks up my stolen blog post, this message is what their readers will get to see. If enough of us CDP bloggers do this, their home page will be full of our angry warning messages. I hope this drives their readers away. Wish me luck!
NOTE : if you read me on World News Photos, don't let copyright violators steal our work. Support the authors : switch to the City Daily Photos portal for wonderful daily photos of hundreds of cities worldwide and to my blog Avignon in Photos to see Provence through my eyes.

Aujourd'hui 1er juin est journée à thème pour les membres du réseau City Daily Photo et le thème est "funny signs". Mon image ci-dessus n'a rien de rigolo. Un site internet qui prétend présenter des photos d'actualité du monde entier pille jour après jour les blogs de nombreux membres du réseau CDP, texte et photos. En fait la totalité du contenu de ce site est volé. Ca fait du rédactionnel pas cher ! J'espère que l'image ci-dessus les découragera : au moment où leur système automatisé volera mon billet d'aujourd'hui, mon message d'avertissement se retrouvera en première page sur leur site. Si de nombreux amis blogueurs font de même, leur page d'accueil sera remplie de nos furieux messages. J'espère que cela fera fuir leurs lecteurs. Souhaitez-nous bonne chance !
Si vous me lisez sur World News Photos, ne soutenez pas les pirates, encouragez notre travail, passez sur les sites originaux : City Daily Photos pour découvrir tous les jours de nouvelles images de nombreuses villes du monde et Avignon in Photos pour suivre mon blog en Provence.
In rue du chapeau rouge (red hat street), a not so funny clown.
Click here to see funnier signs around the world

Dans la rue du chapeau rouge, un clown même pas drôle.
Cliquez ici pour voir des panneaux amusants ailleurs dans le monde


Olivier said...

BRAVO ton idée est géniale pour le thème du mois (je me demande si c'est pas toi qui a tout invente, juste pour faire ce post ;o)....malheureusement non ;(( )

Michel Benoit said...

Excellllente idée !

Nathalie H.D. said...

To CDP members - I refuse to provide a link to the rogue website in question but you will find them if you do a google search with that name. If you want to know if your own photos are stolen, you can do a search with your city name using the search tool on their right side bar. If you find your photos are stolen too, two actions you can take :
1. report it to Google adsense as violation of copyright.
2. do what I did and post a warning sign (you're welcome to copy/paste mine) above your regular photo. Their engine will pick up the first photo in your blog post and the warning message is what will appear on their homepage.

Lowell said...

Very funny...no clowns allowed?

Thanks for your very nice comment on Paree!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Jacob - yes perhaps it means no clowns allowed to park here :-)

magiceye said...

i suppose they mean they are not joking!

crederae said...

Nathalie! I went to city daily photos and Bibi wrote a letter giving the address of the world photo site.

I went and saw. Ha ha Bergson was right there in the front page with his sign up about stealing. FUNNY.

I followed Bibi's instructions and I filed an infringement of copyright. ha ha. I said it was an infringement of copyright of a site I had been visiting for a long time.

You just click on the google adsense and report abuse.

It is awful! They do cite the original source but they have to ask permission to use the photo.!It is easy to report the abuse for any of your fellow readers.
They can go to the city daily photo news-
they will find the link to the violating site-
at the top of the violating site their is google adsense and you just click on that to report the abuse. It takes a minute.

I saw your beautiful rose! for mothers day.

love and light crederae

Thérèse said...

Une bonne ligne de défense! J'espère que cela va s'arrêter vite fait bien fait.

Leif Hagen said...

Very maddening about websites stealing your fotos!

Owen said...

Excellent idea !

What a pack of thieves !

I took a quick look at their site, it is shocking...

You rock !

crederae said...

It is funny how they link up your photography to some commercial need -like they said kaleidoscopic studios with reference to your title on the kaleidoscopic rose and then your text rides on about the infringement right under the rose -like who cares like they are living in some kind of void and you can leave a comment but it has comment moderation and I din't notice if there were any comments posted.....
actually I wrote poetry like that once for a while-I would google my lines and use the links but it wasn't commercial well not most of the time...
and then they have their own copyright at the bottom of the page.
It could be kind of pretty but they should have your permission and shouldn't you share the financial rewards ha ha.

Clueless in Boston said...

Bravo. I am going to borrow your image with your permission for my blog too.

crederae said...

and it is all quite dream like and surrealistic in a way the machine generated action and the randomn links and your creative visions.hahaha

Virginia said...

Bravo, I must do this as well since they've lifted quite a few of mine as well.

Pat said...

Nathalie, I've done the same, starting today. I hope this has some effect. However, I see that my June 1 post does not feature on the CDP portal; just my May 31st one!


La résistance s'organise, bienvenue dans le club.

Babzy.B said...

c'est vraiment terrible de se faire voler image et texte comme ça en un click , j'espère que ta campagne va faire son effet !

Jilly said...

Ah clever you to use this as a funny sign even tho, as you say, it's not. I have a doubt the perpetrators will even see these signs because, as we know, it's all automated. Somehow we have to find who owns the site. It took me months to find who was stealing mine but eventually I did. I wonder how many people view it - it doesn't come up anyway on a google search - well not on the first page anyway.

claude said...

Tu as raison, c'est trop facile de faire un sitre avec les photos des autres.
Hier j'ai vu devant la façade d'un bar inscrit sur une ardoise, la chose suivante :
"Terrasse à l'intérieur".
J'aurais pu faire le thème du mois.

Gunn said...

A great choice for theme day photo.
( There are too many links to world news, so who is stealing your photos??)

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
No clowning around in Red Hat street!

Bergson said...

un clown dans la rue du chapeau rouge : c'est normal ?

Nathalie H.D. said...

Louis la Vache, glad you spotted the mad hatter irony of it all!

BLOGitse said...

I have to check their site...
There's always those who want to spoil our life...argh!
Have a great Tuesday!


ally13 said...

NICE pICS..More ucan read words..


jeandler said...

Des pirates, on ne rencontre plus que ça
en tous lieux mêmes virtuels
en tous pays même et surtout les plus pauvres
dans les airs
sur mer...
des ruffians
qui mènent la danse
Triste est le monde

Nathalie H.D. said...

Jeandler - Des pirates qui trouvent plus facile de prendre les richesses des autres que de créer la leur, il y en a toujours eu, depuis les bandits de grands chemins jusqu'aux pirates des Caraïbes. Les temps troublés leur facilitent la vie. C'est le cas aujourd'hui où les technologies vont plus vite que les lois. Et ça risque de s'aggraver car les pirates font des coups sur le plan mondial mais pour les coincer on manque de lois internationales et de technologies efficaces.

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Brava Nathalie!!
And besides the piracy of theft, posting copied content on a website kills search engine optimization on both ends, because duplicates come through as spam!!!

Love this month's theme in your photo, street art is so creative.

Petrea Burchard said...

Such a clever idea, Nathalie! I'm going to steal it!

cieldequimper said...

Coucou !
Je l'ai juste mis dans mon "sidebar" pour l'instant mais je pense qu'il faudrait en fait poster ta génialissime idée tous les jours pendant un certain temps.

C'est drôle, il y a aussi une rue du chapeau rouge à Quimper, mais sans clown (enfin... je crois... ;-)

delphinium said...

moi je dis, il y a des sal(opards)partout...Et c'est même pas drôle, alors on va commencer à faire les clowns. Et pis c'est pas drôle, on va se mettre des nez rouges et si on n'arrive pas à avoir un nez rouge, on va déboucher quelques bouteilles de champagne pour aider à l'opération. Bises!

FotoMarg said...

Good on you for pointing this out.

muriel said...

pas trouvé l'adresse de ce voleur: il a changé de nom?

Nathalie H.D. said...

muriel, s'il pouvait avoir disparu j'en serais ravie !

Chuck Pefley said...

Love the clown laughing at the tow truck!

Not so much the first "not so funny" sign, though. I do hope it works!

Buck said...

The 'no clown parking' is funny. Nice realisation of the theme!

I too am putting up a sign for the thieves to harvest. Great idea!

Kaushik Biswas said...

Thanks Nathalie, for letting us know. I saw the warning message in another blog and asked the owner what it is about and he sent me here so I can know what is happening.
I'll try to alert more bloggers.
Thanks again.


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