Friday 15 July 2011

Taking a break

Palais des Papes, AvignonAfter the parade the aviators, gliders and riders of amazing machines take a break at the Popes' Palace door.
Après la parade, les fous volants dans leurs drôles de machines font la pause au pied du palais des papes.


Brigetoun said...

oh j'aurais aimé les voir ! suis trop rarement sur la place du palais

Michel Benoit said...

Qu'est-ce que c'est bien l'immobilité du sujet pour un photographe !

Olivier said...

belle tonalite dans tes photos, la troisieme photo , je trouve que la pose a un cote Buster Keaton

Michel │ˉˉˉˉ│∩│ˉˉˉˉ│ Benoit said...

La lumière les paye en or.

Tilia said...

La lumière sur les vieilles pierres offre un arrière plan en parfaite harmonie avec les personnages et leurs supports.

Superbes photos !

Jack said...

Your second shot -- the aviator close-up -- and the next one are just wonderful.

Anonymous said...

ah c'est magnififque chère Nathalie, tu les rends humain encore dans une lumière d'orée.

ratatouille's archives said...

Bonjour! Nathalie...
The first word that came to mind...upon viewing your beautiful photograph(s) is very...Steam-punkish.
[Steam-punk is a genre that I have just discovered...too!]
deedee ;-D

Bob Crowe said...

These are such good images. After work like this they shouldn't have to beg for indulgences.

jeandler said...

Le repos du guerrier.

AnneduSud said...

Mais dans quel spectacle jouent ils donc? Quelqu'un peut il éclairer ma lanterne?

Thérèse said...



Fabuleuses photos Nathalie !!!

Virginia said...

As I scrolled down I thought each one my favorite but now......... I'm loving the bottom left, but then..... ;)
They are each just marvelous in their own way, dear N. NON, I"m going with the bottom left. Masterful composition.

Stickup Artist said...

A unique array of subjects for portraiture! I really love the golden backgrounds (perhaps a late afternoon sun reflecting off the stonework) for their pensive and restful poses after the performances in the parade. Perhaps still dreaming of flight...

Sharon said...

More great shots here. Some day I'll have to get to Avignon in time for this event.

Bergson said...

c'est donc le off du off


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