Friday 9 September 2011

Ciel, mes talons !

Rue du vieux sextier, AvignonI'd seen old running shoes hanging in the air before but stilettos, never. Women's Lib statement? Ex-lover's retaliation? New nest opportunity for pigeon here? Do you have a clue?
This blog participates in Skywatch Friday : click here to see more amazing skies around the world.

J'avais déjà vu des vieilles baskets suspendues en l'air mais des talons aiguille, jamais. Rejet féministe d'un symbole de la femme objet? Vengeance d'un amoureux déçu ? Abri d'un futur nid pour le pigeon qui arrive? Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Ce blog participe à Skywatch Friday : cliquez ici pour voir d'autres cieux partout dans le monde.


Kel said...

great shot Nathalie
can honestly say it's an original, never seen one like it

Olivier said...

une funambule un soir de fete

Anonymous said...

bonjour chère magnifique Nathalie, ah c'est drole merci pour le sourire..
oui ca compte parmi les sourires fort que j'ai recu cette semaine-
une était le tissu de toilette en la couleur rose, je n'ai jamais vu ca avant haha si on va le faire pourquoi pas en rose haha
et puis il y a trois ou quatre semaines ou je vois des espadrilles suspendus audessus d'une rue bien occupé et ca me fait rire voici un compliment pour votre sourire haha.

peut etre ca veut dire que on peut danser avec les espadrilles ou les talons aiguillés.

merci bises...

paul said...

An absolute first - and how did you train the pigeon to pose for you? Super!

paul said...

An absolute first - and how did you train the pigeon to pose for you? Super!

Karen said...

A great image, and fabulous shoes!

amaraentus said...

alors ma nouvelle signature c'est..

Karine said...

Exceptionnel comme photo, moi aussi c'est la première fois que je vois des talons suspendus sur un fil comme ça!

The Sagittarian said...

Well, down here legend has it that if you see (usually) running shoes like this there might be a 'tinny house' near by where one can buy certain substances that cannot be bought over the counter (if you get my drift....)
Maybe there is a brothel nearby these stilletos?? :-)

Nathalie said...

Sagittarian, how very interesting! I'd never heard of this before. Urban legend? Any help in investigating that is welcome.

Bob Crowe said...

Ah, you showed me this one. The shoes are strange enough but the bird gets me thinking about Alfred Hitchcock. So just how did the shoes get on the wire so perfectly? said...

This is indeed original and thought provoking. The bird is curious about the shoes as well.

Maybe a woman decided to do something about her sore feet and in a fit of anger threw her shoes, vowing never to wear them again.

Thérèse said...

C'est tordant Nathalie!
Ce serait a Chandler je t'aurais dit qu'il y avait un drug dealer dans le coin (ce sont a tort ou a raison des points de repere par ici) mais a Avignon??

chri said...

Combien de temps as-tu attendu le pigeon?

claude said...

C'est grole ! Euh ! C'est drôle !
Bêtement, je pensais à l'enseigne d'un chausseur.
C'est le genre de godasses que je ne peux pu mettre, depuis que je me suis fait raboter les oignons !!!

nathalie (Avignon) said...

Chri - Pas attendu. Il m'a sauté à l'objectif quand j'ai déclenché, il n'était pas là avant. J'étais avec Bob de St Louis daily photo, il a pris presque la même photo que moi 2 secondes avant. Sur la sienne (sûrement meilleure techniquement) il n'y a rien. Lucky me !

Dina said...

High heels AND a bird, in one picture!
Keep looking up, Nathalie!

I always photograph shoes when I see them hanging but never did understand why anyone would throw them up there.

jeandler said...

Fil-de-ferriste en RTT.

Michel Benoit said...

C'est moi qui les ai vues en premier !!!

Siddhartha Joshi said...

This is an awesome capture :) Quite an unusual sight!

Stefan Jansson said...

I'm guessing someone was on her way home from a night out on the town and when you have had a little too much to drink these things can easily happen!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Marvellous shot with bird too - intriguing too that the stilettos look unbroken

biebkriebels said...

I once read, it means drugs are available here, saw it in New Orleans. But high heels I never saw before. Great photo!

Tilia said...

Pigeon vole
Talons volent
Jupon vole

nathalie said...

Oui Michel, je me souviens très bien de ta photo, et c'est ce qui m'a fait hésiter à poster la mienne. Mais toi tu n'avais pas eu le pigeon!

Linda said...

I am with Dave Costa Rica - these must have been murder on the tootsies. A woman (presuming it's a woman!) after my own heart.

Love the bird.

LindyLouMac said...

I have joined the Skywatch meme for the first time this week, calling by to visit you as another participant.

Interesting sky photo to welcome me to your blog for the first time. One cannot imagine what it was all about.

Cafe Pasadena said...

I guess when the girl was ready to walk the tightrope of love & sex, she 1st took off her stilettos

chri said...

Je savais bien que c'était le pigeon, le sujet!

this is Belgium said...

photo assez surprenante et fascinante, j'adore l'oiseau qui passe au bon moment..

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Excellent composition.


nonizamboni said...

Perfect capture! And definitely a unique spot to hang one's shoes!

Thanks for sharing.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Without even thinking of the how and why this is such a gorgeous image, that you happened to get the bird and stiletto silhouette together is incredible enough. Brilliant!

Saun said...

I would go with ex-lover awesome shot! pretty funny though

Jilly said...

What a hoot! And only in Avignon. I so love some of the bizarre things you show us but then it's your eye that finds it.

TorAa said...

Nesting, sans doubts, I can see the Bird;-)

Grenoble in Photos said...

Peut etre une oeuvre d'art ?

Hugo said...

Was already said what means the shoes, in Central America also, it seems more common than you think.

Madeleine Vedel said...

you really caught a magical moment there !!


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